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"Uh, can i help you two?" The doctor man asked.

"I need to know who this belongs to." Five spoke sternly, holding the eye in his hand as I facepalmed. This man was 58 and still didn't know how to uphold a proper story?

"Where did you get that?" The man asked, horrified

"What do you care?" Five spat. I pushed him back slightly, taking control of the situation.

"We... We found it... At a playground, actually." I awkwardly smiled at him as the lady behind said something like a 'How sweet' "It must've just..." I clicked my tongue as I finished "Popped out.", still smiling nervously.

"We wanna return it to its rightful owner." Five chimed in again.

"Oh... What a thoughtful young man..." The doctor guy spoke hesitantly. Damn right, he should be hesitant. I could snap his neck in half right this second.

"Yeah, look up the name for us, will ya?" I spoke, unable to hide my impatience in my voice.

"Um, I'm sorry but patient records are strictly confidential." He replied, further suspicious of us.

"That means I can't tell you-"

"Yeah I know what that means." I scowled at him as he looked at me weirdly, trying to reason with us.

"But I'll tell you what I can do." A glimmer of hope flashed in my eyes.
"I will take the eye off your hands and return it to its owner. I'm sure he or she would be very grateful, so if I can just-" Five backed his hand away.

"Yeah, you're not getting this eye."

My patience was thinning out.

"Now listen here young man-"

I grunted, holding him by his collar, standing on my tiptoes.
"No, you listen to me, asshole. We've come a long way for this so just give us the information alright?"

The lady behind us spoke up "Oh dear."

"Call security."


I let go of him and exhaled. This time five walked up to him, pointing a finger in a hurry and snarled "If you call me 'young man' once more, I'm gonna put your head through that damn wall." as I sighed.

"Five, come on."

We left in a hurry, to not be caught up with authorities and headed back to the academy.


I layed on Five's bed, reading a book as Five and Klaus argued.

"No, Klaus, You can't wear that."

"Why? This is my best outfit!"

An indistinct voice could be heard walking up closer to us.
"Five? Are you upstairs?"

It was Vanya. At least she cared enough to come looking I suppose.

"Quick get in the closet!"

I sat upright, hair a mess from lying on the bed.

"Five?" She opened the door and sighed in relief.

"Oh thank god, I was worried sick about you."

"Sorry I left without saying goodbye." He spoke halfheartedly. Vanya turned her gaze at me and saw my disheveled hair and the shorts that might've rid up my thighs as I was lying down and turned to five. "Uh-Is this a good time?"

I looked at five puzzled and he reciprocated the look. Then it hit me.

"Oh, no no no no no!! I was lying down thats why-" Heat reached my cheeks as I tried defending myself, fixing my hair aggressively and pulling the shorts. I turned to five for help but he just stood there, smirking. So I kicked his shin and he groaned in pain.

𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 || 𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐒 𝐗 𝐎𝐂||Where stories live. Discover now