{Ten}🩵Almost magical🩵

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Rosy had walked the rest of the way into the forest, soon she arrived to the specific spot. The forest amazed her, it was lush and almost magical feeling. Soon he was in her vision, it made small tears fall from her face.

She made her way over, with flowers in her hand she placed them on the boy. His face was content and had a slight smile to it. It made her think of event's that occurred in the past 13 years.

"Thank you Jake, for what you did for everyone." She whispered under her breath. She sat in silence sitting next to him for a while. Her face was stained with previous tears. She brushed her deep blue hair out of her face and smiled at him before getting up and walking away.


"Dad, what do you mean?" Jake blinked confused. His father laughed light heartedly, "What's so funny?"

Felix turned to his son, "You never bothered to ask questions I thought you would."

"I'm confused. I'm dead aren't I?" He crooked his head, Felix shook his in response.

"Not exactly son, you're in a state of unconsciousness. Sort of like in between the world of ghosts and life." Jakes eyes widened, he felt like crying. Happy tears of course.

"You're saying I'm not dead?!"

"Yes, now I think it's time for you to return." He smirked, the same smug look Jake inherited.

"Thank you dad, I love you." He ran up and hugged him. Felix was shocked but hugged him in return.


As she turned and began walking, something in her gut said something was off. Rosy ignored it though and continued, but came to a halt when she heard someone gasping for air. Slowly she turned around and saw none other than Jake Sterling himself sitting up and breathing heavily. She put her hands over her mouth, she was wide eyed and crying once more.

"Jake?" She muttered, he looked up at her with his big brown eyes and weakly answered.



She couldn't believe her eyes, she eventually took Jake back and had a long talk with him. As well as the council. They all mainly just talked in detail about the events that occurred, they were all shocked to say the least. He was currently sitting in Rosy's study. She had brought him snacks and tea before leaving to go quickly do something.

He sat there silently thinking, Jake now didn't know what to do. What will he do? Talk to his friends? Maybe, but how do you just say "Hi." After you've been gone for like 2 weeks? He sighed and put his head into his hands. But then heard the door open, signaling Rosy's return.


"Oh hello head mistress!" A certain girl with fuchsia chair called. The whole group were sitting in the courtyard. Rosy just smiled at them, she slowly made her way over.

"Hello kids, hey I actually need you 7 for something. Follow me. I'm sure you'll be pleased." They all exchanged looks with each other before walking after her. Zander and Luke just glanced at each other nervously while Hailey kept her head low. Sean and Daisy looked confused, and Milly and Elliot were holding hands while whispering.

Once they made it to her study she opened the door, they all gasped. Unable to believe their eyes, they saw a head of blond hair that faded into peach tips facing away from them. Hailey didn't notice that she was crying until she cupped her own cheek feeling the moisture. "Jake?" Rosy called, he whipped his head around. Upon seeing them his eyes widened. He didn't know what to say or do.

They all stood silent as he got up and stood face to face with him, Rosy then left to give the friends some privacy. After moments of nothing they ran and tackled him down. There was sobbing and laughing, they couldn't comprehend that he was actually there. "Jake! Jake! Jake!" Milly cried she had missed her partner in crime a ton.

Once they all pulled away Hailey looked at him, the same loving face that he always had faced her. She started crying once more, Jake now had cupped both her cheeks and wiped her tears with his thumbs. He knew they were happy tears but he hated seeing her cry. Then quickly she pulled him in for a long and deep kiss, he was taken aback at the actions but returned it. They pulled back, faces flushed red. "Gross."

Everyone turned to Milly who was gagging, Daisy and Hailey just laughed as Jake turned away embarrassed. Zander rolled his eyes as he gripped onto Luke. Elliot and Sean just smiled at them. Everything was perfect now.

Several questions remain unanswered, is this the end? Will this be the happily ever after? What will come of Jakes future? The possibilities are endless.....but only time will tell. This chapter in Jake's life has come to an end, but with every end there comes a new beginning to another's chapter.

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