Chapter 4

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*Author's Note: Brayden is Bugs, Dominic is Daffy, and Lola is still Lola but only her parents call her Luna for fancy reasons. Along with a new character introduced into the scene with Princeton Powells as Pepe.

While that happened, Lola, is currently at the Beverly Hills Country Club with her parents,  getting through another 'traditional brunch'.

As if she was invited to a weekly tea party.

Which annoyed her to no good end.

"Hi, everyone. Sorry for being late. I had some traffic troubles along the way." Lola said politely with a wave.

"Haha. Of course, no worries darling. Come sit. Luna, you remember the Powell family, right? We used to throw parties together with them. And that young gentleman over there, this is their son Princeton. You two were once aquatinted, yes?" Lola's mom spoke in such fancy tone.

"Ah, yes. The boy who could make the best tango dances happen in all the private schools of Los Angeles." Lola said, rolling her eyes.

She hates it when her parents act like they could live in a rich kingdom full of royals.

When in reality, they're simply a higher middle class family that is well off on their payments.

The real reason she was considered to be a socialite in the first place is because of her grandmother's fortune that the family continues to live off on.

"And now he is a man of character. Just look at him, a true gem in the family business." Lola's dad complimented, proudly.

"That sounds great. But what does that have to do with me?" Lola asked, curiously.

"Well, we sort of figured that you might want to get to know each a bit more. Maybe talk about a possible arrangement in the future." Lola's mom hinted on as a sign that they wanted her to start dating soon.

But she was not about to let their intentions slide.

"What?! Oh no. You are not setting me up with Mr. Roses over here." Lola objected.

"Why not? You're almost 27 years old. When are you going to start settling down like the rest of your family? Your grandmother would be so upset beyond her grave if she knew you weren't married by then." Lola's mom huffed in disappointment.

"You're unbelievable. This is exactly why I don't go to your crazy lunches, every time. Because you're always trying to make decisions for me when I'm already old enough to know what I want. Have a good rest of your brunch. I hope the salmon is wonderful." Lola grumbled on before standing up from her seat and stormed out of the area.

Leaving the parents baffled by the idea that their daughter had the audacity to rudely call out their mistakes and embarrass them like that.

"Hmph! Why I never-!" Lola's mom was going to say until her husband cut her off, quickly.

"Let her go, Catherine. She'll come to her senses when she's ready. For now, we will enjoy the rest of our meals in a civilized, calm manner." Lola's dad advised while the two families continue to converse more into their shared interests.


Back at the CBB bank, Dominic was discussing with his boss about the case.

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