{Chapter Prologue: Relaxing with the Team/Special mission request/experimented.}

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{Raccoon City, believe Me is no ordinary City, but it was home, and meant some nice folks at the Police Department, that hired Me, got some good friendships with Them to..this team is called S.T.A.R.S...}

{Boston Pov.}

*I clicked on My computer, putting in an report, as I heard the others chuckled and make jokes, I leaned back turning around, as I raised an brow.*

Boston: *I crossed My arms looking at Them intently.* What are You idiots doing now?..*I asked Them.*

Chris: *grins as He comes over as He shows the dart board.* Whoever hits three perfect bulls eye...gets to choose who gets punished..We made Our bets..wanna join in?...*I thought and shrugged.* My bet is that Brad has to write with His non dominate hand...*Brad groans at the thought.*

Brad: *He rubs His face.* You know how miserable and terrible that shit will look?..*He exclaimed.*

Jill: *Snickers at this.* My bet was Chris has to where is badge and patches on the opposite side of his vest...*Chris sighed heavily.*

Boston: *I grabbed the darts.* Alright I'll ball, Jill..how about this if I miss Mine, I'll wear whatever You choose for Me too wear...if I hit the three..well You have to make Your least favorite..hair style..*She chuckles nodding to that.* Watch and learn gents and lady..*Tosses one and hits an lucky bulls eye.*

Barry: *Point at the board.* That's just luck...ain't no way You hit another...*He said, I smirked tossing another one, it hits an bull eye.* Oh shit...

Jill: *Bites Her lip, as She prays to god.* Oh come on don't You dare...I love My hair Boss!...*I grinned tossing another, as it hits.* ..Fuck Me....*She leans back, undoing Her hair.*

Chris: *He high fives Me.* Atta boy, see told Y'all He is an master at the dart board...pay up!..*of course, this was to see how good I was.*

Joseph: *Hands Chris an 20 bill, so does the other guys.* Damn Bos hit it on the dime...*I shrugged a bit.*

Rebecca: *Clicks in as She shook Her head.* Like He ever messes, Y'all should see Him in the gun range...*Said Rebecca, as She mixes some medicines together.*

Jill: *Does Her hair in a ponytail.* Gosh I hate ponytails...*I patted Her shoulder.*

Albert: *Comes out of His office* Riddle...in My office...*Everyone nods to Me, as I came over with question, as He types on His computer.* Boston...sit..*I sat down, with an confused look.* An request of an private investigation was sent out, about an mysterious town not to far from Raccoon City...I need recon over there...and Your skilled in that department..*He said to Me, I nod to this.*

Boston: *I crossed My arms.* When do You need Me out?..*He chuckles at this.*

Albert: *He stood up as I stood up, He places His hand on My shoulder.* Tomorrow early morning, be safe alright, Your one of My best Men...*I saluted, as I get ready to pack for tomorrow.*

{They say each mission has it risks, and it's surprises...I guess They were right....soon I packed up My Humvee, as the team came out to say good luck...}


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