{Chapter Five: NEST & vials.../Self destruction of NEST...}

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{With William out the way and Nomad and Prophet keeping an eye on for anymore Tyrants, We eventually made it down to the tram heading towards NEST...}

{Jill Pov.}

*I sat next to Bos, as He was really silent, He was looking at His hands intently, I frowned grabbing His left hand, He didn't pull away, I know that look, He thinks He's an monster, He held My right hand*

Jill: *As I held it tightly.* You okay?, You've been silent since We took out Birkin...*He shrugged a bit.*

Boston: *As He looks at His body, giving an scam.*..Feel like an walking weapon, could say an "freak" of nature...*I dislike this, He was always the positive.* At least I can still kick ass, but on an much better level...*He grinned a bit, there it is, was about to scold the hell out of Him.*

Claire: *Nudges His right shoulder.* That's Our Bos...if Chris was here, He would definitely tell You to knock that crap off...He would in a heart beat..*I smiled, as He looked at Sherry, He got up, kneeling down, as Annette looked at Him.*

Annette: *Stroked Sherry hair.* We need to hurry She doesn't have long...*I hummed at Her, as We stopped, I picked up Sherry bridal style.*

Leon: *Leads with Prophet, as He looks around.* So this place been..under the city the entire time...and no one and not even the government knew about this?...*We all hummed at this.*

Ada: *She hums at His question*....Umbrella Pharmaceutical hence the name, it acts like an cloak, and if someone gets suspicious then the money gets put in Their hands, so the suspicious person turn an blind eye...*Leon huffs at this.*

Boston: *As We entered the NEST main entrance.* Keep an look out...Annette where too?..*As He carries Sherry*

Annette: *We followed Her, as We see the high tech, that went into the facility.* To the west wing that's where it's at...

•Few Minutes later.•

*Sherry was injected with the anti viral agent, as We waited Annette brought Me over away from the others.*

Annette: *She shows an tablet* I wanna make sure this place doesn't exist, once Sherry wakes up, We need to hall ass to the Emergency train system in the lower floor, I am gonna blow this place to hell...and stop being an umbrella worker...*I hummed nodding.*

Boston: *I looked to the others, as Sherry groans opening Her eyes looking around, We walked over* Hey Sherr Your okay?..*She looks around seeing Us, She smiles seeing Her mom.*

Sherry: *They hugged each other* Mom...*Annette took an sigh of relief.*

Prophet: Alright people let's hall ass...*Everyone nodded, as We began to move out*

Annette: *She clicks on Her tablet, as the facility began to go on alert, as I took the lead, as We made it over to the elevator.* ..There's an emergency down below We need to get to it!...*As We made it all the way down.*

*All I can think about is stopping umbrella from continuing Their operations...and any other, We managed to make it out the facility via the emergency exit train, My thoughts swarmed, thinking I can do some good in this armor, with these abilities, as We managed to get out the train as it stopped on in an empty field, We looked out to see Raccoon City far far away..*

Jill: *Blinks a bit* Wow seems a lot further away then I thought it be..*Chuckles as I handed Her some water.* Thanks Bos..*Takes it and drinks some water.*

Prophet: *Comes over as news came out.*..The military, along with Cybernetic with military division, has Raccoon City under heavy quarantine, it'll take an awhile before the virus is completely rid of and cured.. We'll have to detain Ms. Birkin for questioning along with chief irons..*I nodded to Him.*

Hargreave(Comms): *Hums in approval.*...Good Job Mystic, Your work is done, Raccoon City may see another day, I may have use of You someday, but I imagine You wanna be solo for awhile and I approve of You wanting to go out and shit these diabolical Bio terror organization..let Me know what You find and what viruses introduce into Your system if You ever do absorb some...*I nodded as I waved to Prophet, as Raptor Team takes off.*

Prophet: 'Call Us when ever You need saving Mystic, take care soldier..' *I nodded as They leave, I turned to the others.*

Boston: *As We walked to the vehicle the team left Us* Honestly I dig this armor not gonna lie~..*They laughed, hopping in*

Leon: *We all buckled in* So what are You gonna do Captain?

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Leon: *We all buckled in* So what are You gonna do Captain?..*I hummed as We began to drive off.*

Boston: *My hands slightly clutched on the wheel* Find other places like Umbrella...shut their operations down... Bio terror companies need to be brought to justice...*Claire and Jill both nodded agreeing.*

Claire: *As I drove Us to the nearest population.* Agreed places like Them need to be brought out of their dark corners...*I leaned back, as Jill puts Her hand on My shoulder.*

Jill: Whatever choice You make Were with You all the way..*I nodded with an smile, as I held Her hand.*

{With the rise of anti Bio terror companies taking an offensive...the BSAA was made, honestly I joined in the moment I got an chance, I needed to find Chris see where the hell He went, wonder where Albert is at... He's an good man I feel it..even though He worked for Them, I can only hope...I need to get S.T.A.R.S back together...at least whats left of it..}

~End of RE 2 and 3~

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