{Chapter Three: an be safe & farewell?/RPD & two others?/Sherry & a monster..}

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{Let's do this...but first need to tell the others and do an favor for My trainer at the facility I was experimented at, I remembered Hunks word for word...}

°An Month Back.°

{Boston/Mystic Pov.}

*I was dodging and blocking Hunks knifes jabs and slashes, as I held His arms in a lock.*

Hunk: *Hums at Me, nodding.* You've gotten better...*As We pulled back, I grabbed an bottle of water.*

Boston: *I drink some water, as I looked at Him.* Like I needed to, did have combat training at the Marines...*He lets out an rare light chuckle.*

Hunk: *As He comes over as We talked and stuff.* Mystic do Me an favor if possible You'll meet Him...He's an two face backstabber but..when You see Him...tell Nikolai, "Hunk said hello.."..*I nod to Him, without question, as He explains why He wants this man dead.*

°Back to Present.°

*I walked down to the subway stairs, as I see everyone talking, They turned as I walked over to Them.*

Boston: You won't need to worry about that Tyrant, it's dead made sure of it...*Brad and Jill sighed in relief.*

Carlos: *He looks back at His team leader.* Come on Bos, wanna meet You with Mikhail Our team lead..*As We walked up to the old Man, He looks at Me.*

Mikhail: *He scans Me, giving Me an good look.* That is some nice armor You got there, seems a little Advanced...I am Viktor Mikhail this is delta platoon whats left of it as it... You've met Carlos, over there is Tyrell, and here is Nikolai...*I see Nikolai look at Me, so this guy, is whay Hunk wants dead.*

Nikolai: *Scoffs at this.* Just more problems for Us, an walking Super Soldier...with two other baggage..*I aimmed My Hammer at Him, everyone was alarmed at the sight, He backs up.*

Carlos: Whoa whoa!!!, Big guy put the weapon away!..*Aims at Me, as Jill and Brad tried to pull Me back to calm Me down, but failing badly*

Boston: *My masks come down, as I look at Him* Hunk says hello....*Mikhail knew immediately, but Nikolai knew absolutely who that is, He tried to shoot My head with an pistol, but I pop an shot to His head, as His body fell to the floor* He was gonna backstab You...an old team member of His told Me about it..He was only in it for the money...*I explained to Them, They all lowered Their weapons.*

Mikhail: *He scoffs at this.* No wonder why  He had this odd feeling to Him, and funny how Our platoon was wiped, funny how it was locked...when Nikolai wasn't around...I knew He betrayed Us...*He sighed as Carlos and Tyrell moved Nikolai body.* Good instincts...*I nod to Him.*

Boston: *I turned to Jill and Brad* I got an mission I need to get back to, finding that Umbrella facility at the RPD...and bring in Irons...*They looked at each other.*

Jill: *She gave an firm look* Your not going alone...Brad will stay with the Civilians lead Them to safety..I'll come with..*As I looked at Brad.*

Brad: *Pats My shoulder* When all things are clear, I'll see if I can get some help on My end...get that Bastard Irons...*I nod as I lead, Carlos, Tyrell and Jill towards RPD.*

*As I lead Them through and path with lesser zombies in the way, We see RPD, We heard two people running to it, My eyes widen, seeing Claire and Kennedy?, I trained Him for an Year?, how the heck?, no matter need to get to them immediately.*

Jill: *Raises an brow.* Is that Claire?, what is she doing here?!..*She yells whispered.*

Boston: *I hummed as We headed through the side entrance.* Probably came to Raccoon to see Chris...where is Chris?..*I asked Her, as We traveled through.*

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