When You Were Gone

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Anadil's night ended with an unpleasant surprise. She was stepping through the window, eyes closed as she savored the moments from before, when she heard a voice.


She looked up to see her mother standing in the doorway, and for the first time since Anadil was a little girl, she looked angry. Well, a mix between angry and worried, she supposed.

"Oh, hey Mom," Anadil squeaked.

Her mother's full lips thinned into a straight line. "Sit down."

Anadil moved to sit down on her bed, then paused, looking back up. Her own anger and heartbreak rushed to the surface, the thoughts she had pushed down for years concerning her mother's constant departures. "And why should I? It's not like you've been much of a mother to me."

Harmony's lips parted slightly in surprise. "What has gotten into you?" she exclaimed.

"How would you know?" Anadil snapped, taking a step closer. "Maybe I've been the same my whole life. You would never know!" She felt her fury welling up even more as her mother's brows drew together.

"I got many reports from your caretaker. She said you were doing well in school, that you were a perfect student, that you were tutoring children less fortunate than you!"

"All of that is true," said Anadil, trying again to keep her voice level but letting a tinge of anger slip through.

"Then why would you run amok around the city?" her mother challenged. "You clearly don't care about sleep, and God knows what else you've been getting into." She looked her over, looking for traces of alcohol or perhaps something more sinister. "And who was that girl you were with? And why did you..." Her face drained of color.

Anadil debated jumping out of the window, but instead stood her ground, looking into her mother's eyes. "Why did I what, mother?"

"Are you and that girl...involved?" she asked, her voice hushed. "Do you know how that would look in a tabloid?"

"THE GREAT HARMONY BEAUMONT'S ONLY DAUGHTER TURNS OUT TO BE A FREAK!" Anadil exploded, throwing up her arms. "Do you think I don't know that? From the moment I was born, I was nothing like you. From the moment I was born, I was a point of gossip back in your precious model circles. I've been trying all my life to make up for how odd I am, getting perfect grades, winning competitions, learning dance and martial arts because of you. Because I wanted you to care about me. But you're never around. And the moment I turn 18, I'm leaving you behind."

Harmony opened her mouth as if she was going to say something, then closed it again, looking incredibly hurt. But Anadil was done feeling guilty.

She stepped backwards out of the room. "No more seeing that girl," she demanded. "I know you think that I'm being cruel, that I don't care about you, but every teenager thinks that. I'm doing this for your own good, darling. People can be cruel."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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