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Rain pattered down onto the stepping stone of the river

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Rain pattered down onto the stepping stone of the river. Dark clouds shrouded the sky, concealing the sun from view. The silver she-cat crouched beside the river, watching the gently moving current intently. She saw a large trout swimming slowly and steadily toward her. She stood as still as she could until the trout was close enough, and then she lashed out with a claw and pierced the trout's body with a claw, fishing it out of the water. Perfect catch.


The silver she-cat looked over her shoulder at the source of the sound. A pretty black-and-white she-cat was standing there, her pelt soaked from the rain. Her scent was unfamiliar. "What are you doing here?" she hissed. "Get off of our territory, or I'll have to fight you!"

The she-cat looked alarmed. "Oh, no, I don't want a fight. I just want to find somewhere to stay."

"Are you a rogue? Or a loner?" the silver she-cat asked suspiciously. "RiverClan doesn't take in strangers." She flicked her tail. "If you're looking for someone to take you in, go to ThunderClan. I'm sure they'll be more than happy to bring you in."

"I would hate to travel all the way to ThunderClan. I've already traveled so far, and I need to rest," the black-and-white she-cat meowed.

The silver she-cat figured it would be okay to bring this strange cat into the Clan. Minnowstar wouldn't mind. "What is your name?" the silver she-cat asked.

"Moonclaw," the she-cat responded. "I came from MoonClan, a Clan far away."

So these cats have the same way of living as us. Maybe Moonclaw isn't all too bad. "Okay, Moonclaw. Come with me. I'll take you to Minnowstar; she'll figure out what to do with you."

Moonclaw looked hesitant, but she quickly followed the silver she-cat into camp.

"Streampebble!" A dark ginger tom was rushing toward the silver she-cat, his green eyes accusing. "Why did you bring this strange cat here? We don't need any trouble!"

"I know," Streampebble responded calmly. "I'm bringing her to Minnowstar to see if she knows what to do." She looked the tom in the eyes challengingly. "Unless you know what to do."

"No, I don't. You're the deputy. Go ahead." The ginger tom moved aside and let Moonclaw and Streampebble head to the leader's den. Streampebble dropped her trout in the fresh-kill pile on the way.

"Minnowstar, someone wants to talk to you," Streampebble called into the den.

A light brown she-cat walked halfway out of the den. "Hello, Streampebble. Come in. Who is this cat?"

"This is Moonclaw. She says she came from a faraway Clan called MoonClan," Streampebble explained, glancing at Moonclaw. "She says she's traveled a long way to come here and she needs somewhere to stay."

Minnowstar narrowed her eyes at Moonclaw. "Do you plan on staying here?"

Moonclaw returned her gaze steadily. "I ran away from my Clan. So, yes, I do. But if you would prefer, I can go to a different Clan."

Minnowstar fell silent. A thoughtful look came to her eyes. "I guess you can stay here for a little bit. I'll have to think about letting you stay. Does that sound good to you?"

Moonclaw nodded thankfully. "Thank you so much, Minnowstar." She bowed her head politely to the brown she-cat.

"Streampebble, show her to the medicine den to check up on her. She traveled a long way, therefore we have no idea what conditions she may or may not have," Minnowstar ordered.

"Of course. Right away, Minnowstar." Streampebble turned to Moonclaw. "Come with me."

Moonclaw hesitated again, but she hurried after Streampebble toward the medicine den.

"Cleartail!" Streampebble called into the medicine den. "I have a patient for you."

The white she-cat looked out of the den. "Oh, yes. Come in."

Streampebble led Moonclaw into the den. "This is Moonclaw. She says she traveled a long way from a Clan called MoonClan. Minnowstar suggested seeing you for a check up."

"Oh, so you saw Minnowstar already. Very good. Okay. Come here, Moonclaw." Cleartail beckoned the black-and-white apprentice to a nest. Moonclaw sat down on the nest and Cleartail began to check her thoroughly. "There doesn't seem to be a problem, but, Moonpaw, don't mind me asking if you have some sort of condition I don't know about? I'm just getting a feeling you do."

Moonclaw froze. "Oh—I don't. I don't know why you ask. What makes you think that?" She sounded nervous.

Cleartail studied her for a moment before shaking her head. "I figure it's just my mind playing tricks on me. I've been seeing things lately."

That's not okay. Why has she been seeing things?

"You're fine. Streampebble, you can tell Minnowstar that she's doing fine if you like."

Moonclaw let out a small sigh of relief. Streampebble cast a sidelong glance at her. Was there something she was hiding?

"Sure. Thank you, Cleartail." Streampebble beckoned Moonclaw forward and led her to the apprentice's den. "Get settled, maybe meet some of the apprentices. I'll go talk to Minnowstar. If you need me, you know where to find me."

Moonclaw nodded, looking uncertain.

"It's okay. You know what? You can come with me if you like," Streampebble offered kindly.

Moonclaw looked at her with hope in her eyes. "Sure. Thanks." She followed Streampebble to the leader's den again.

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 #3: 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐭Where stories live. Discover now