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Mousetail shifted her paws uncomfortably in her nest

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Mousetail shifted her paws uncomfortably in her nest. She hadn't been able to think about anything but Dovesong the last few sunrises. She barely had time to think about her kits, as much as she worried about them, too. Skystorm had been out of camp more than ever in an attempt to find Dovesong for Mousetail, but he had found nothing. He still tried, though, and Mousetail never felt more lonely. There were no other queens in the nursery, Skystorm wasn't available, Dovesong had been captured, and she wasn't able to go to the Gathering, which was in a quarter-moon.

Even doing something as simple as sleeping was hard. She couldn't shut off the whirlwind of worries about her sister, and it was weird not being able to snuggle up to Skystorm and go to sleep to his warmth and gentle snoring. She hoped that her kits would be here soon-but of course not too soon-so she wouldn't be alone, especially at night. Obviously, she could leave the nursery, but without Dovesong and Skystorm it seemed useless to leave the den. Every now and then she would have a conversation with her Clanmates, but she still couldn't shake off the lonely feeling she was getting.

But to her surprise, Mousetail heard a voice and the rise and fall of paw steps outside the nursery. "Hey, Mousetail." It was Whitefoot, her former mentor.

"Hi, Whitefoot," Mousetail responded. Her mew came out sadder than she intended. "Come in."

"Is everything alright?" Whitefoot came into the den and settled himself a whisker-length from Mousetail's nest.

"Yeah, fine. Just . . . lonely, I guess. I never thought I would feel like this, like, ever, but it's happening and it feels terrible," Mousetail meowed.

"Hm. Why is it lonely? You've got lots of Clanmates to hang out with," Whitefoot pointed out. "Or is it just because of Dovesong?"

"Well, yes, because of Dovesong, but Skystorm hasn't been available as much because he promised to find Dovesong for me, and I can't go to Gatherings to see my friends, and there's no other queens in the nursery," Mousetail explained. "I can't think of anything but Dovesong! I can't even stop to think about my kits!"

"What about Hollyfern and Gorseberry? They're two of the friendliest and most amusing cats I've ever known. Perhaps they can keep you some company," Whitefoot suggested.

"Perhaps. But I still have to think about my kits. Whenever they come around, they're like kits out of the nursery for the first time. What if my kits are harmed?" Mousetail fretted.

Whitefoot's ear twitched thoughtfully. "Okay. Good point. How about I come here to check in every day? Maybe that will take your mind off of Dovesong for a little while," he suggested.

Mousetail thought about it for a moment before nodding. "Alright. That's a deal. I guess it would help me take a moment to relax."

"Great. I'll be sure to come here for a little bit when I can," Whitefoot told her. "But I have to go. Owlheart will call the patrols soon. I hope you feel better soon." He turned and left the den.

𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 #3: 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐭Where stories live. Discover now