Chapter five: Desperate Situation Beast Tamer Mohji vs Melissa!

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( Melissa p.o.v. )

I walked up to them with the key for Luffy's cage after I had found then in front of a pet shop but just as I was about open his cage the dog ate it angring Luffy as he then starts to strangle the poor dog. "Stupid, stupid, stupid dog give it back that's not food giveme my key!" Luffy yelled through grit of his teeth. "Give it, give it, give, give it, give it, give it!" Luffy yelled as he continue to shake the dog just then a old man came walking up to us. "Hey stop that!" the old man yelled causing all of us even Luffy stopped shaking the dog to look at the old man. "Stop picking on poor Chouchou leave him alone!" the old man yelled as he walks even closer towards us as the dog starts to bark while trying to get out of Luffy hold. "And who might you be old man?" Zoro asked causing me to hit him on the head for have no respect. "Have some restpect for your elders sorry about him sir we didn't train him right." I said causing Zoro to glare at me but didn't do anything it didn't even cause me to flinch in the slightest. "Old man? Why I'm the mayor of this town. Who are you and why are you hurting Chouchou? Huh?" the mayor asked but then he notices Zoro's woun. "My, my...that's quite an injury you have there I take it ya' had a run in with Captain Buggy we need to get you to a doctor." the mayor said with that he picked up Zoro and took him to where he can be treated.

"How's Zoro?" Luffy asked looking up at the mayor as he came back out of the dotor's office and backover towards where we are. "I told hi he really should see a doctor, but he insisted that he didn't need to and just wanted to sleep it off." the mayor said. "What stubbern jackass I swear some men are the bigest babies they act all touff but when it comes down to it they're all bunch of wimps when it came to seeing a doctor it's like a friend of mine once said when men get the sniffles the world is coming to an end when we woman gets sick life goes on." I said with Nami nodding in an angreement sharing an annoyed look. "So this dog's name is Chouchou?" Nami asked as she went to pet him Luffy then laughs. "Why is he just sitting there like that?" Luffy asked as if it's not obvous. "He sure is a lazy dog." Luffy said. "I think he's guarding the store." I said. "She's right he's guarding the store." the mayor said. "He's guarding it?" Nami asked. "Yes." the mayor said. "Well it is a pet shop. So why not?" I asked. "That right and the man who used to run this store was a vary close friend of mine." the mayor said as he went into the store came back out a few minutes later with a bowl of food for Chouchou. "There ya go." the mayor said as he put the food down in front of chouchou who then began to eat it.

"When he passed on I assumed the responsibility of taking care of Chouchou." the mayor said. "He died?" Nami asked. "Yes three months ago." the mayor started to say as he stands up. "After fighting his illness for a vary long time." the mayor said as he went inside of the pet store. "Don't tell me he's been waiting for his master to return all this time." Nami said. "That seems to be the cansensus." the mayor said as he walks out of the shop then closes. "But I find that vary hard to believe Chouchou is a smart dog he's probably known for a while that his master isn't coming back." the mayor said as he sat down on the steps od the pet store while Chouchou continues to eat. "Then...why does he stay here at the store?" Nami asked. "Cause like what Luffy's hat is to him or what tangerines are to you it's his treasure." I said. "I guess he has a connection to it as well as like your friend said it's his treasure he's guarding it his master left him with this shopand. That's why he protects it I've tried to bring im back to my place so he won't be out in the elements but he won't take so much as a step away from here." the mayor said as Chouchou yawned just then there was a rummbleing sound that fallowed by a roaring sound that sounded like a lion. "What's that that sound?" Nami asked asa she got up. "It sounds like an over grown lion." I said. "It's him Beast Tamer Mohji we gotta go run!" the mayor yelled. "What do you mean Beast Tamer?" Nami asked

as the mayor grabbed hold of Nami's hand and ran off. "Wait hold on!" Nami yelled as she was getting dragged off by the mayor. "Get outta here!" the mayor yelled as they ran off as Luffy sigh. "C'mon puppy something's here. Why don't you just give that key back?" Luffy asked. "Cause he eta it once you eat something that it the only other way to get it back is the other end and that might take awhile." I said with my arms crosed. "Awe man. Really? " Luffy asked. "Yup." I said popping the p just then a giant shadow lomed over Luffy causing him and I to look up. "I see that most of your friends have deserted you and after you just escaped." Mohji said. "Who the heck are you?" Luffy asked. "He must be that Beast Tamer Mohji that the mayor was talking about." I said in a not so immpressed tone. "Oh." Luffy said in the same tone. "Hey so some respect I'm a member of the Buggy Pirates after all!" Mohji yelled. "Woah that's a weird animal sit you got on." Luffy said as he lay's back to look up at him better. "That was even ruder this is manly hair!" Mohji yelled offensively while pointing at his hair. "K that's even weirder." Luffy said. "And manly? What so manly about you or your stupid hair I know a talking reindeer with a blue noise that's more manly then you." I insulted causing Luffy to laugh. "Wait a talking reindeer?" Luffy asked once he not only stop laughing but realizes what I had just said. "Yup a talking reindeer he's name is Tony, Tony Choper and he's one of the best docter around doctor." I said proudly.

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