Chapter seven: The Honorable Liar? Captain Usopp!

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( Melissa p.o.v. )

We are just sailing to the nerest island to we can stock up on supplies in the mean time Nami and I were talking and getting along great so great that we became the bestes of friends she even told me that the mean reason she was out here was to collect treasure so she can add it to her ever growing collection so she can by her hometown Cocoyasi Village on Conomi Islands that's been terrorized by Arlong. And his crew for eight years I've even told her about how I'm a demon princess well ex princess I also told her how my brother and I as well as a goddess are curst Melie and I are curst with Eternal Life but for Melie he is doom to fall in love with each and ever time the curse restarts is a curse created by the Supreme Deity as an eternal punishment for his and Elizabeth's defiance against and for Elizabeth her curse was givin by Melies and I's father the Demon King and her curse is Perpetual Reincarnation, forcing her to live human lives in which she would always reunite with Meliodas and die right in front of Melie's eyes in every life as soon as she regain her memories. And that Melie and I are over three thousand years old as well how Melie were mate and how it was natural for us in mine and Melie's realm that is until I met my true mate who is now my husband Doflamingo and he to knows everthing about as well as Luffy.

"I hate to burst your bubble but I don't think Arlong is interested in keeping his end of the deal if you're as good at map. Making as you are at navigating as you say you are then there's no way Arlong is ever going to let you go the way I see it, it seem to me. That you're his most prize possession for him to let go the key to him ruling the world or at least the entire east blue for starters." I said. "What are you saying? That I should give up hope?" Nami asked a little angry and mayme even a little hurt. "No I'm saying aske us for help we're your friends Nami and we won't let anything happen to you. We'll get ride of those bastards for you once we do not only will you be free but your entire island will be too. So what do you say? Will you swallow your pride and let us help you?" I asked. "I'll think about it." she said. "Sure take your time but rememer no matter what we are here for you, you are never alone when you have your friends." I said causing her to smile and give a nod. "There's absolutely no way we'll make it to the Grand Line in this condition." Nami said. "Huh?" Zoro and Luffy asked looking over towards us. "She means we need not only supplis but we also need a ship as well as more crewmemers." I said.

"Oh you're right and we're also going to need lot more meat." Luffy said as he then toss the rest of the apple that he was eating into his mouth. Eating fruit everyday is for the birds." Luffy said. "We'll also need some booze." Zoro said that is until I throw an apple at him hitting him right in the jaw causing him to grunt. "Shut up you boneheads ugh! Honestly I don't know how you can deal with them Melissa." Nami said. "Well I have been dealing with Luffy since he was seven so I had years of practice." I said. "Anyway that's not what I mean The Grand Line's a dangerous place we'll need more then beer and meat to survive there. Not to mention the place is crawling with pirates who are also in the seach of the One Piece and they all have ships that are way better then this." Nami said. "Not metion there are the marines that live to chase and capture pirates." I said with Nami nodding in agreement with me. "And Like Melissa said we don't have a crew." Luffy said. "We don't have a crew, the equipment or even a real ship for that matter there is no way we'll ever make it like this." Nami said. "Yup we'll need a cook--" Luffy start to say but I cut him off. "You're off to a good start with saying that we need a cook but before we can even get a musician or even a cook for that matter. What we need first is a real ship then we can gather the rest of the crew like a cook and a doctor are the first crewmember we'll need before the musician." I said causing him to pout but nodded in agreement anyways.

"A musician?" Zoro asked with a laugh. "So stupid." Nami said to herself. "A little to the south of here is an island with some settlements on it and it looks like we might be able to get a ship and some of the supplies we need there." Nami said holding a map. "Fresh meat at last!" Luffy yelled. "And lots of booze as well!" Zoro said. "Is that all you think about? Ugh what am I gonna do with you two?" Nami asked getting feed up with there stupided we finailly made it to the island that Nami told us about. "Feels good to be on dry land again!" Zoro said as he stretches out. "There's a village shomewhere around her. Right?" Luffy asked. "Yeah it look like a small one though." Nami said. "Ooh then there's meat!" Luffy yelled as he ran up to Nami grabbed her by the shoulder's. "There's meat!" Luffy yelled with door coming out of his mouth. "There has to be a place to eat meat in this village!" Luffy yelled. "Just foget about meat for a minute. Would ya? And get off a her you drooling monkey." I said as I pulled him away from Nmai just then there was some rusling sound coming from the bushes and the leaves of the trees. "Carful we're being watch." Zoro said as he got ready to unsheath his sword. "Huh? By who? Where are they? They got meat?" Luffy aske excitedly as he looks around for the person that's watching us. "No and look out Luffy!" I yelled as someone was firing at him causing him to yelp as he dodges what ever they're using to fire at him

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