Chapter eight: Anger Explosion! Kuro vs. Luffy! How It Ends!

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( Melissa p.o.v. )

I had just got done taking care of that weird hypnotist after he tried to go after Kaya and the three kids. Sorry to say Kuro but I don't think he'll be going after anyone any time soon. I said with a smirk causing Kuro to go on a killing rampage killing or injuring his ex men that are for what ever reasion is still loyal to him. Aren't you tired? Luffy asked once he had stoped as I went to check on Nami since she got hurt in the shoulder by that weird hypnotist weird hypno weapion like thing. You alright Nami? I asked as I bend down to to take a look at her shoulder. Yeah I think I'll be alright. Nami said with a slight winch I then patch up her shoulder then went back over towards Luffy after I had jumed up onto the ledge then sat down to watch the fight. I bet you are after all that dancing around you've been doing. Luffy said as he turns to face Kuro. Don't get cocky. Kuro said as he fixes his glasses. That was just a warm up. Kuro said with a cocky smirk on his ugly face. Huh? Luffy asked. The real fight begins now soon I will be feasting on your fear comlimented by the sweet wine of your agony then I'll do away with little miss Co-Captain of the Eight Deadly Sins over there. Kuro said cockly. Yeah you and every other cocky arrogant pathetic fool. Who thinks so high of them selves that say the vary same thing before they got their ass kicked. I said with a smirk of my own as he got ready to do that weird attack again. now! Kuro yelled

Out of the back attack! Kuro yelled before disappeared but really he was just move so fast it just looked like he had vanished in plan sight but Luffy and I was able him but Luffy was able to grab hold of him to the point of wrapping his entire body around him stopping him in his place. Nice try you jerk. Luffy said with an toothy grin on his face. Damn you get away from me! Kuro yelled as he struggled to get away from Luffy. Wow butler man right now your life really sucks your plan of three years is a complete and total failure. Luffy told him. Let go! Kuro said as he continue to struggle in Luffy's grasp. Hey look that weird kid caught Captain Kuro! one of Kuro's lacky or sould I said ex lacky said. I don't believe it if that goofy kid manages to beat him then that means Captain Kuro won't be able to slughter us. Right? another ex lacky asked. Yeah get him em you crazy rubber guy! one of the lacky yelled causing the rest of the ex black cats pirates to cheer for Luffy. Get off a me! Kuro yelled once again as Luffy was getting angry at all the cheering so he headbutted Kuro. Just shut up. Luffy said before he benned his head back then stretch it out. You have no right to cheer me on! Luffy yelled angrly.

Let go of me! Kuro yelled as he was still struggling in Luffy's grasp. Gum-Gum! Luffy started to yell. You insect my plan will absolutly--not be disrupted! Kuro yelled as all he so called heard work flashed before his very eyes. "Bell!" Luffy yelled as he hit Kuro right in the face after he slinged his head back forward causning him to slam right into the ground after he had flew through the air for a bit Luffy then backfliped off a him and landed on his feet. That crazy rubber guy beat Captain Kuro. one of the ex lacky said in shock and amazment. Not even the marines were a match for Kuro man of a thousand plans and this guy still beat him. another lacky said. Just who are you and that girl? yet another lacky asked. You idiot didn't Captain Kuro say she's the Co-Captain of The Eight Deadly Sins! a third lacky said. Yeah your right. So does that mean she Co-Captain Melissa the Wolf Sin of Betrayal? a fourth lacky asked. Yeah and I hear that she not only the sister of the Captain of The Sins but the wife of a Warlord but not just any Warlord but Doflamingo. a fivth lacky said. Man don't want to mess with her any back at the crazy rubber guy. Who are you? the first lacky asked. I'm Muonkey D. Luffy the only time a pirate should abandon his name is when he dies! I would never lose to a coward who ditches his name, betrays his friends, and runs from life on the sea. Luffy said with a frown

Luffy....I never heard that name before. lacky number one said. Well now you have and you best do well to remember it. I said with a smirk. Yeah like Melissa said you should remember my name for the rest of your lifes. Luffy started to say as he turns around with that big grin. Cause one of these days I'm gonna be king of the pirates! Luffy yelled. You are? the sconed lacky asked but instead of answering Luffy picks up Kuro. Now get out of here! Luffy yelled as he tosses Kuro like a rag doll back towards his so called crew who screams. And never come back! Luffy yelled angrly causing all of them to take off running scared just as Nami come running towards Luffy and I with her bag of gold Luffy then fanted into Nami's arms. Well it's no wonder that he's tired out. I said as I jumped down gentle take Luffy out of Nami's arms. You did good Luffy. Nami told Luffy. And yeah I'd even expecked him to collapse after what he just went through. Nami said to me before sitting down next to me as Luffy restes his head on my lap. Say tell me. Why were you so mad earlier? Nami asked. Cause I truly hate people like them they're so wrong that is not how friends should act. Luffy said. What are you talking about? Nami asked as she picks up his hat. Of course it isn't most pirates arn't the brave honorable people you always make them out to be. I'd say Captain Kuro is pretty standard. Nami said causing Luffy to look at her from the corner of his eyes. I want some meat. Luffy said causing Nami to slam Luffy's hat in his face angrly.

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