Chapter eleven: I Won't Die! Fierce Battle Luffy vs Krieg!

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( Melissa p.o.v. )

Captain cowered had decided that his first mate was not worth keeping around as well as not understanding or caring about why he couldn't carry out his cowered of a captain's orders by not killing Sanji who has done nothing but showed him kindness by poisoning Ghin in order to kill him.  You might as well throw that gas mask away! You are no longer worthy to be a Krieg Pirate. Die! the loser captain yelled causing Luffy to run yelling towards the loser captain in order to save Ghin. "I'm not going to let that happen you bastard! Luffy yelled as he continue to run towards the as Luffy had called him a bastard. You're wasting your time boy! loser captain yelled as he then slam is fist onto the already broken mass causing Luffy give out a yelp as he stumble then tumbled onto his but then the loser captain start to shoot at Luffy causing him to gasp as well as turn and try to run away while yelling and dodging the bullets.  Aw crap. Luffy said to himself. Ghin! Luffy called out to him causing him to not only to snap out of it but to gasp as well as he looks up to Luffy. You don't have to listen to that blowhard because I'm gonna kick his ass! Luffy yelled angerily. No my captain cannot be defeated Don Krieg is the strongest man alive and I respect his punishment. Ghin said.

Will you please snap out of it? He's going to kill you! Sanji yelled. I deserve it obeying my emotion meant betraying my captain if I were in his position then I would've done the same thing and now death is the only honor I have left. Ghin said as he then throw away the gas mask causing it to land in the water.  Then you just as pathetic and cowerly as you so called captain give up your life just that easily just so not only your captain but everyone else how weak you truly are. Cause honestly only someone as weak, pathetic and cowerly as you could only throw away their live as if it means nothing you mother must so proud to know that she gave life to someone who reath die. Then live their life the way they want to but by someone who tell them how to live it and when to give up and die. Why don't man up and live your live not his but your live to the fullest?  I mean life is short as is. Why give it up that easily? All cause some jerk of an captain told you to? Why not prove him wrong by live the life you deserve to live? I asked causing him to gasp and look at me shocked.  Yeah don't throw your life away! Luffy yelled. Heh? So you remembered your place but it's much too late for that now you will die all three of you together. It's the MH five poison gas bomb fire! loser yelled as he the fired his poisonest gas bomb

causing everyone to not only swim away but to dive underwater. Get back inside the restaurant! the cook Patty yelled as he and his friend as well as Zeff ran back inside. Thank you! Luffy said as he stretches out his arms to take two of the gas mask as I also grabbed two gas mask causing the four Krieg pirates to gasp in panic. Sanji, Ghin catch! Luffy yelled Luffy catch! I yelled as I tossed him one of the mask I had taking.  Thanks Melissa! Luffy yelled as he puts his on.  'I'm alive thanks to Melissa giving me one of the two mask she took earlier just in time.' Luffy thought as I held the gas mask not only to my face with one had but the other to Ghin's face as well with him trying to take it off.  Don Krieg was not the right man for you to follow. Was he? Sanji said as he removed his own mask just as I removed both mine and Ghin's mask as loser captain growls when he sees that Ghin is still alive It seem you still feel for that pathetic scum. Loser said. No we don't feel for you. Do we Sanji, Luffy? I asked with a smirk causing them to not only to give a chuckle but to shake their head. But we do feel for Ghin. Right boys? I asked causing them to nod their heads.

You bitch he's the one that's scum anyone who loses focus and betrays my ship is worthless to me they'll almost certainly do it again putting him out of his misery is an act of mercy to keep him from dishonoring himself in the future and endangering my crew. loser said. Well it's a good he's alive and not a part of you pathetic crew so now he can live it as so please with out having to answer to no one he's a free man to do whatever he want to. I said She's right you can't let someone win so stick around cause now I'm mad you'll wanna see what I'm going to do to him next! Luffy yelled. You can't defeat him. Ghin said. Wait a second attacking him head on is exactly what he want he's strongest that way! Sanji said as hold on to Luffy's wrist. Do go underestimating him just cause you hadn't met someone who's stronger then your loser of an captain until now that is doesn't mean or prove anything. I said. Yeah beside I'm not worried. Luffy said before he rip his wrist out Sanji's grasp then rand towards Don at full speed causing Sanji to gasp. Go a head and give it your best shot! Luffy yelled. Don't! Sanji yelled. Don;t worry Luffy got this he's a lot stronger then he looks even with out his devil fruit it'll take a lot more then someone like Don loser Krieg to scar Luffy not mention lot stronger. I said with my arms crossed and a smirk still on my face.

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