Keeping Warm

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You were cold, always cold! The bunker was cold but it only phased you. The boys didn't care! They would even complain it was to hot. They took you in after a hunt where the vamps got to your family and killed them before you could save them. It's been three months and the boys are practically your brothers, except for Dean. The two of you are becoming a lot more comfortable. He was always flirting with you and Sam was always teasing you about it. But you have to admit, you liked Dean, as much more than a brother. With j being so cold, there was one way you would keep warm. You always wore a short sleeve shirt with black leggings and knee length fuzzy socks. You were always comfortable but stood out.

You woke up early again with your body curled up in a ball. You clock was shining bright green with 6:00 a.m across it. You got out of bed and puked on some red fuzzy socks this time they were ankle length. Throwing on a large sweatshirt you walked to the kitchen to get some breakfast. Pouring some Fruit Loops you walked to the theater when you heard something playing. Then you saw Dean sitting in the front row watching Pretty Little Liars, your favorite show! Walking quietly you took a blanket and threw it over his head, crawling over the seat next to him to sit down. "So now you're watching my favorite show?! Without me?!?!" You said teasingly. "Guilty pleasure. You really weren't supposed to know." Dean was clearly embarrassed. He kept his head down as he spoke. "We'll keep watching! It gets REAL GOOD!" You wee grinning widely. Sitting in silence you are your cereal setting it on the seat next to you. Looking at Dean you could see he was interested but didn't want it to show.

"You know, wearing those socks make you look pretty weird." Dean was finally speaking and he looked you in the eye. "Hey!" You said hitting him on the shoulder and raising an eyebrow. "You gotta admit I rock these socks!" You said standing in front of him so you blocked his view. "Oh you think so?" He was doing it again. Whenever Dean flirted with you, you blushed furiously. He stood up and got closer to you, gently grabbing you by the hips and pulling you inches from his body. "Actually, (y/n), our look fantastic. The truth is I really" you cut him off leaning forward to kiss him. You held him close and Dean didn't hesitate to return the kiss and fill it with more passion you thought possible. "I've been falling for you since the day we met. But up until two months ago I thought you would never feel the same." You wee speaking softly doing all you could to stop looking at his precious lips. "Was I really that obvious?" You managed to embarrass him again. "Yeah, kinda" he pulled you into another quick kiss. Sitting down he pulled you to his lap.

Your body shivered as a draft came through the room. Curling closer to Dean you layed your head in his neck and kept hugging him tighter. He took the blanket and wrapped it around the two of you. Still watching Pretty Little Liars you had one arm around his neck and your other tracing patterns in his chest through his shirt. "I KNEW IT!" You and Dean whipped your heads to the side to see Sam standing there- as happy as a kid on Christmas morning. "You guys are so adorable!" "Hey we're just keeping warm!" Dean was trying to deny it but it lasted a few seconds. "Woah wait quiet!" You said turning back to the screen. "I love this part! I'm completely obsessed with this song!" You practically jumped in Deans lap singing along.

Have you ever fed a lover with just your hands? Closed your eyes and trusted, just trusted. Have you ever looked fear in the face and said, "I just don't care."

You sang along and Sam left the room. It was the end of the scene and it was kind of romantic. You look at Dean and his eyes shined. "What?" "You are just stunning" Dean kissed you gently and pulled you back into his chest. You stayed like this all morning, just talking, laughing, crying when a character didn't deserve what they got. But the best part by far, having Dean hold you in his arms through it all.

A/N- the lyrics I quote are actually from and episode in Pretty Little Liars called Glitter int he air by Pink and this song is so perfect!

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