Staying Home

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The bunker was in need of everything right now. You were out of beer, snacks, chocolate, and even toothpaste. The boys went to town to get some stuff. You wanted to stay back- getting about 4 hours to yourself since Dean would stop for a burger. You ran to your Bluetooth speaker and got ready. Dean didn't understand why you liked popular music. He says it has no soul, but this never stopped you. Turning on Today's Hits radio you were angry that nothing good was playing. You went against your will and turned on Rock Hits radio and your favorite song was on.

"Carry on my wayward son!" You Sam dancing on a table, "There'll be peace when you are done!" Throwing your head off the table. "Lay your weary head to rest!" Rolling on your stomach kicking your feet and laughing. "DON'T YOU CRY NO MORE!!!!" You San thumping off the table and pointing around the room as if in a concert. You completely forgot about all the cameras you set up in case of emergency.

It was noon by now and you were hungry but all you and was a burger from two nights ago. Dancing to the kitchen you put the speaker on the counter and warmed up your burger. as you did this you listened to Asia- Heat of the Moment. You knew how much Sam hated this song so you took advantage of the opportunity. You sat yourself on the counter top and sang along in between bites of your burger. You noticed the pile of dishes so you decided to help out and do them so they didn't have to worry about it.

Find shed with the dishes you were about to watch a movie. This was the moment a song close to your heart came on, Faithfully by Journey. Every time you heard it you thought of you dad. This was the song he always sang to you before leaving for a hunt. This is the last thing you ever heard come from his lips before he left for a ghoul hunt and was killed in the process. You reached under your bed and grabbed the box of childhood pictures you kept. Pulling out a picture of you and your dad you fell back on the bed not remembering the cameras. You began to cry and sang along to the song. Your heart ached so much all you needed was Sam.

I tried calling (y/n) many times and she never answered. "Dean I'm really worried! What if something happened?!" "Dude chill! Maybe she's just sleeping!" Sam glared at Dean. Knowing you he knew clearly you are ALWAYS hyper at this time of day! "Why don't you check the bunker cameras?" Dean suggested sarcastically to try and cal his brother. Sam pulled out his laptop and checked every room, the room you shared last. When he Sam you crying he gasped. "Is she ok?" Dean asked glancing at Sam with concern. Sam turned on sound- an extra feature he got- and listened to the song. The end of the song played and Sam reared up, knowing the story behind it. "Dean I need to get home now! Hurry!" Sam was worried for you. "Okay, whatever you say!" Dean steeped in the gas. They were 3 min away but cut the trip to 1min.

My music just ended and I didn't have the strength to get up. I head the door open and Sam calling my name. He ran in the room and picked me up in his arms holding me to his chest. We sat for a few min in silence before I finally caliber my breath and asked "how'd you know?" "You didn't kick up so I used the cameras we got to see if you were ok." You let out a sigh of relief knowing Sam cared so much. "Babe?" "Yeah,(y/n)?" You looked in his eyes still trying not to cry. "I started to think about us, towards the end of the song and I kept thinking how terrible it would be if I lost you and..." You wee cut off by his lips on yours. This is just what you needed, his comforting touch to let you know it was all going to be ok. Sam broke the kiss and looked you in the eye. A tear ran down your cheek and you were relieved. "You will never lose me, (y/n), I love you more than anything in the world." This was it. You couldn't stop it. Years ran down your face and you felt him wipe them away. "I love you too, Sam." You barely got this out before you let yourself fall in his arms.

You stayed with him all day, in his warm embrace watching movies and he even brought you your favorite ice cream, which you shared.

"Sam?" You said before you fell asleep that night. "Yea sweetheart?" "This is just what I needed. Thank you." You said to him while laying your head on is chest and holding his hand in yours. "I'm always here for you. Goodnight princess. I love you." Sam kissed you on your head and pulled you tighter. "I love you too" you whispered in his neck and kissed him before drifting off to sleep. The entire night Sam held you tight.

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