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The emotions I feel are all but happy. How in the freaking world would you expect a girlfriend to feel upon seeing a girl's body clinging to her boyfriend?

Pretty fucking pissed.

Not only are the emotions affecting me, my thoughts are as well. Imagine how this will turn out: We'll be on a freaking team together, forced into the same places. All. The. Time.

In case you didn't know, that's really not good.

So as I stand here, I can't produce my next move. Do I slap Cooper? Do I slap Tory? Both of them? Sounds so good at the moment, but why not save revenge for later? That way, I can come off of this looking self-assured, classy, and everything but an attention whore.

"What's going on," I say quietly, since they were too engrossed in each other's company to see me standing here. Their heads whip to my direction and the let go of each other.

When I meet Cooper's eyes, I can tell he doesn't give a shit. And to be honest, I really don't either. It's better now than never, right?

A small crease forms between Cooper's eyebrows as he tries to master the guilty facial expression. It's a bad try because I see right through it. I can predict what comes next, so I say it out loud with him.

"Baby, I can explain," we say at the same time. He looks taken aback. Something tells me I should have expected this. How come he kept putting me off, how come we didn't get too into it?

I guess I'm not his material.

Or maybe he's not mine.

Tory pulls her shirt down some and grabs her purse off of the floor. "Well if you don't excuse me, I've got a gigantic test in English." She saunters off and Cooper watches her leave. My hand is just inching to skin the back of his head.

"You can't explain, I don't want an explanation. We're over, of course," I laugh bitterly.

He laughs loudly. "Haha, that's funny. I just cheated on you and you want to break it off? I thought that's what I was doing with Tory. Ending it with you."

"Yeah, whatever. She can have you. Anyway, see you and the team tonight. Don't forget to bring a toothbrush!"

He looks awe struck and appalled at once. I know he wasn't expecting me to take it lightly, but I'm not always predictable. I turn on my heals and grab my bag off of the linoleum tiled floor.

He isn't that important.

And neither am I.


"Have fun honey! I love you," my Mom says, trying to place a smooch on my cheek. She knows I don't like having all that attention... I was never big on PDA.

I automatically dodge it and wave to my Dad. "See ya."

I have a large shoulder bag filled with everything I'll need, from clothes to my wallet, to my skates, to my hair products, to my lotion, and socks, toothbrush, etc.

I had gotten a text from Chance saying that we'd all meet at the park and pack up into his jeep.

The time on my phone says it's eleven A.M when I arrive at the park. All of the guys are already here, just waiting around for me, I guess.

"There you are," Austin says, grabbing my bag from me and throwing it into the back of the car. We all stand around awkwardly until Eddie clears his throat saying, "Well Don, you're driving, right?"

"Yeah, man."

"I'm sitting shotgun," Kendrick declares, hopping into the passenger seat. All the guys pile in before they decide to tell me the problem.

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