Its Nice To Meet You

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June 2nd, 2011

"Today's the day, Anna! Get up, get up, get up!" My mother sang as I was not in the mood to be woken up by a Disney princess.

I glanced at my wall clock in my room as it read "8:00." I was extremely tired that morning and wanted to go back to my peaceful slumber. "What's today?" I yawned.

I felt my covers get ripped off of me by my mom as she said "We are going to Rijk's house today! Remember sleepy head?" Still groggy I stood up and searched in my closet for a nice outfit to wear. "It's only 8 o'clock mom! He invited us to come at noon!" I yelled as I put on my socks.

"I know, but I figured we'd get up bright and early!" My mother said as she was literally jumping up and down. I shooed her away from my room so I could just take my time to change out of my pj's and brush my teeth. The morning went pretty slow—or maybe it was slow because I couldn't keep my eyes open.

"Okay, Anna! It's time to go." I stumbled to the car and to bring a sketch pad with me, knowing that I would become bored within a second of being at the Dutch tulip man's house. Surprisingly, his house was only thirty minutes away. As I hopped out of the car I stared upwards at the gigantic, white house. No! It was more like a mansion! "Uh, mom? This can't be the right house."

My mother chuckled "oh, Anna please be nice. This is the address he gave me." We both walked up to the front door and just as my mother was about to knock, the door swung open. I gasped as I saw the Dutch tulip man stand before me grinning the same fake grin he had when we first met him. "Greetings, Marie and little Anna. Welcome my humble home!" He practically shouted.

My mother blushed "oh hello, Rijk. Nice to see you again too." The man welcomed us inside and I hate to tell you that the interior of his house was even better then the exterior! He had nothing but antique furniture and all of it was in such great condition! I took a note of every little thing I saw. I wasn't even paying attention to where I was stepping. I guess the Dutch tulip man caught me looking at all of his nice things in envy because he said "oh, yes! That had such a grand story to it! You see, at the time, it was just me and my mother, closer then ever and as she was weeping, my mother gave me that enchanting snow glob that she had kept ever since she was a child! She told me to keep it and to one day do the same. Give the beautiful snow globe to someone I love and who means something to me. I haven't had any children yet, but maybe someday I shall keep my promise."

He went on and on about all the other fascinating things he had and I could tell he was full of pride about little thing he possessed. While he continued to tell his amazing tales to my mother, I snuck away to the nearest room and sat down in a leather chair. I felt like royalty just being present in his house. I smiled then I had taken out my sketch pad and graphite, and began to draw. I don't think when I'm drawing. I'm just in my own world with no sound or feelings. Before I knew what to draw, I was already finding myself drawing my dear father. To his strong face to his stern eyes. How his eyes always showed his feeling and what he was thinking. Suddenly I noticed the light was blocked by a shadow. "Mom, may you please go. I just don't want to be bothered right now." I said so focused on my soon-to-be masterpiece.

Expecting to hear my mothers sweet, claiming voice, I heard a much deeper and cheerful voice. "Do forgive me, but may I stay?" I stopped, put down my pencil and turned to see none other then the Dutch tulip man grinning. I shook my head telling him not to stay, but he stayed anyway. "Who are you drawing?" He asked. I scoffed "like you would actually care, but I'll let you know that this is my father." The Dutch tulip man chuckled "oh, so this is your father? I heard so much about him from your mother. I'm very sorry." After a small amount of silence he spoke again. "Well he is a very handsome man. You must have loved him dearly, yes?" I rolled my eyes, just wanting him to stop talking and watching me. He put his hand on my shoulder and while doing that, I watched my hand move from the top of the right corner to the bottom left corner. So now the white paper with my drawing of my most admired person, my father, now has a dark line of graphite, cutting right in the middle of him, thus ruining my picture.

I closed my sketch pad and I stood up. As I stepped away from the man who my mother loved, he spoke. "Wait! I'm sorry. I just wanted to get to know you, Anna. You are a very talented young lady." I stopped, but I didn't want to look at him. Still angry, I yelled louder then I thought I would and I screamed things I didn't mean to scream.  "well, I do not want to know you, so would you please stay away from me and my mother! My life is worse enough as it is, and I don't need you ruining it even more!" The Dutch tulip man sighed and silence grew. A single second seemed like a year to us. I wanted to run away from him and his house, but I stood frozen in the same spot with the man I hated most, standing directly behind me. "I know how you feel, Anna..." The Dutch man said.

I turned to face him and snarled at him "No, you don't! You do not know how I feel, please don't do that!" With tears in my eyes, the man hugged me. As angry as I was, I felt safe in his big arms. "My father left me when I was only a young boy as well. Shortly after my mother died. I was left alone. My life wasn't always so grand as you may think, Anna." He admitted. "When my mother was on her dying bed, I was only sixteen, a child! That day she had given me that snow globe that you had your eye on earlier." I started to cry even more, hearing this. I couldn't imagine having my mother die, especially being only sixteen. Sometimes my mother was a pain, and I would have to watch over her, like you would watch a toddler, but I loved her. She cared for me, with all her heart. The Dutch tulip man smiled, and for the first time, his smile looked real. He then stepped away from me, letting go of my arms. I stood in the same place which seemed like an eternity, but the Dutch man had returned with something in his hand. "Take care of it, young Anna." He commanded as he handed me the snow globe. I shook it to watch the sparkles fall. It was hypnotic, watching the fake snow shimmer on what looked like a bouquet of gorgeous flowers. I looked up to the Dutch tulip man and said, "Thank you, Dutch tul — Rijk." He smiled.

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