Chapter 4: Cheating Hunter

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The Chapter starts with Galaxy writing through a list. however it doesn't seem to be voting results.

Galaxy: Wait why am i making the cast for season 2? i didn't even got to the finale of this season.

Galaxy waves the paper around as he says this, showing names of the season 2 cast however its hard to get the full names, im just gonna tell you what it shown (also if your wondering the new contestants tried to sign up but were rejected for season 1).

List of Season 2 Competitors

Top 3 of season 1 (which we don't know)






Galaxy: Whatever, its about to be elimination time anyway.




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Galaxy: ok so we got 5 votes. a Record high (especially since the Record was 4).

Galaxy: With 0 votes, Pest, Poob, Marx, TSC, Anshine, Infected, and Stratosfear dont get immunity

The Broker: Heh. it looks like some people actually like me.

Galaxy: Broker only got 2 Votes which means Henry wins the Immunity with 3.

The Broker: Well Then...

Galaxy: you guys will have some time to strategize with this information. after some time i will make you guys vote who to be eliminated. good luck.


Pest, Henry, Broker, and Marx are all talking to eachother

The Broker: I'd say we should form an alliance. to get farther in the game.

Pest: I guess...

Marx: Sure!

Henry Nods

Marx: So who do we vote for?

The Broker: I'd Say either Anshine or TSC. they haven't proved themselves to be on the team.

Marx: Alright. well i'll see you guys later in the elimination.

Marx leaves the Conversation and only Silence is heard.

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