Chapter 2

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This has been a bad idea telling Jack at the logging house, instantly all the boys turned their heads to look at a nervous Katherine and a stunned Jack. She grabbed Jacks sleeve and drug him outside so the boys couldn't over hear, the last thing she wanted was more people to try and convince her to stay.

"What the hell are youse talking about Katherine? Is this some kind of joke?" He asked his blue eyes ablaze.

"No Jack," she said as calm as possible "I'm not kidding. I got the offer today."

Jacks surprise was slowly turning into panic and worry.

"Wha- so youse just gonna leave?" He asked his face falling. "You can't do that!"

"Jack, calm down. It's only for a year."

"A year!" He yelled "Katherine... wha- I- why can't-" He looked at a lost for words and Katherine felt horrible for bringing it up. She grabbed him and pulled him into a hug, maybe she shouldn't go. But she couldn't say no now, it was for her job if she didn't go they would more than likely fire her.

"Just take a deep breath." She said rubbing his back slowly. His face was pressed against the crook of her neck and she could feel his ragged breathing against her throat. "It's gonna be okay, one year isn't that bad." She hoped she wasn't lying to him.

"When do ya leave?" He asked pulling back to look at her.


"But it's Wednesday Ace!"

Jack was freaking out again, she glanced around them and spotted many people giving them funny looks. She grabbed his arm and pulled him into a nearby ally so they could talk.

"That's ok we still have a whole day together." She said coming closer to him. Jack shook his head and stepped away from her, she frowned and crossed her arms.

"You can't go, I won't let youse. It ain't right... I need you." Jacks eyes were both angry and sad, Katherine wished he could just understand.

"I have to!" She said her voice raising "if I don't go they could fire me! Plus, this might be my real chance to get my name out there, people will stop treating my like a little girl!"

"So you'd rather be a famous reporter then say with me?" Jack asked a biting edge to his tone.

"No, that's not what I mean Jack. If you could just listen-"

"Listen to what? Youse gotta leave, what else is there?" Jack asked his expression hardening.


"You can't go, ya the reason I stayed in New York an' now your gonna be the one ta leave?" Jack asked, Katherine glared at him.

"Don't you dare use that card on me." She said through her teeth.

"It's true and ya know it." Jack said his voice sounding dangerous. "Look... I ain't gonna make ya stay."

Katherine was surprised by his words, she thought for sure he would tie her to him and not let her leave. Deep down inside she wished he would do that.

"But..." Jack continued "I ain't promising nothin' with out ya here ta keep me in line... I might slip back into my old ways."

Katherine frowned at him, was he trying to warn her or give her another reason to stay? Surly her being gone for a year wouldn't cause him to go back to his old self, after all hadn't they already changed so much since the strike?

"Are you saying it will be hard for you to stay faithful?!" She hissed feeling like a used piece of trash. Jack shrugged but didn't bother to give her any reassurance.

"Unbelievable." She muttered "Maybe I will go, seems to me like you don't really need me. Guess I'll just be on my way and leave you to your old ways."

"Maybe you should!"

"Maybe I will!" She snapped back resisting the urge to slap him.



And with that she shouldered past him trying with all her might to hold back tears. People starred at her as she sprinted down the street trying to hide her face so no one could see her pained expression. Surly Jack hadn't meant what he said, he was just angry at her for leaving... right? Jack always got upset when things didn't go his way, that's just how he was but didn't he have more sense then to say something like that? She should have known better, she should have known he would do something like that. He was Jack Kelly after all. She ran to her apartment fighting tears the whole way, only when she was safely behind her apartment door did she let the tears fall down her face.

Maybe England wouldn't be too bad after all.

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