Chapter 5

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"Do we really have to do this?" Katherine complained loudly as Alice wrestled her into the 12th dress that night.

"Yes, now close your mouth and suck it in." Alice ordered pulling ruffly against her corset string.

"We don't have time to try on any more dresses the ball starts in half an hour!" Katherine said wincing as the strings tightened painfully over her stomach.

"Oh hush we will be fine, on the other hand why doesn't this fit you Kath? It fit just fine a month ago!" Alice said yanking more tightly on the string. She suddenly gasped and turned Katherine around to wag a finger at her. "Have you been stress eating again?"

"Wha- no!" Katherine said. "Okay maybe I ate three pastry's at lunch today, then one on my way home from work but who cares?! I was hungry!"

"Your always hungry!" Alice said shaking her head. "This isn't New York anymore Katherine, English woman are proper therefore they need to look proper."

Katherine glared at her as she gave her corset strings one last giant tug and it snapped together.

"Ugh! Proper my ass." Katherine muttered pressing a hand to her tight stomach. She was already feeling light headed, then again she always felt light headed.

"What did you say?" Alice asked bending around to look at her friend.

"Nothing, nothing." Katherine muttered and helped her pull on the white and purple dress. Katherine glanced in the mirror and checked out her reflection, instantly she smiled as she studied the dress. It was mostly white with a dark purple trim and belt along her waist. She was instantly in love with it. By the way Alice squealed Katherine knew she loved it too.

"Oh it's perfect!" She gushed hugging her from behind. "You look like a queen!"

"I feel like a princess." She said giving a twirl in the mirror.

"I'm glad you like this one because it never worked for me." Alice said pushing her into a chair. "Okay hold still while I figure out what to do with this mess." Alice said looking at her hair. Katherine tried not to be offended by that as she stared to do her hair.

In a matter of minutes Alice had turned her bland curls into an elegant twist on the back of her head, she pulled two pieces of hair down in front of her ears which instantly curled naturally. Alice stuck a glittery clip in the back of her head and stepped back to admire her work.

"Perfect." She said then gasped and ran back into the bedroom as if she had forgotten something. Katherine waited patiently as she came back in caring a glittery necklace. Katherine stared in shock as she put it around her neck and let it snap shut. It was a beautiful necklace with spiderwebs of small diamonds that ran along her throat. It went very well with the dress.

"How did you-? where was-?"

"It was my going away gift from my father, it used to be my mothers." Alice said smiling sweetly at Katherine.

"Oh I couldn't possibly-"

"No Kath, your wearing it. End of story." Alice said stubbornly. Katherine knew from experience not to argue so she closed her mouth and turned to look at herself in the mirror again. "Now hold still and try not to break anything while I get ready." She said and went back into the room.

Katherine rolled her eyes "Hey, it's not my fault I can't hold anything to save my life. I don't know what's gotten into me, I didn't use to be like this."

She heard Alice snort from inside the room and call back to her: "And I'm guessing your gonna blame it all on us English folk no doubt."

That had been a running joke between the two women: Katherine blamed all her quirks on England.

"Yea I guess so, must be the water here. I'm getting fatter and can't hold anything." She called back with a laugh.

Alice appeared back in the door way wearing a corset and putting on a elegant blue gown that went remarkably well with her skin tone.

"Your getting fatter because you can't stop eating! The waters fine here." Alice said chuckling and making Katherine zip her up.

They teased each other a little more as Alice brought half of her hair up and made it stay with an ocean blue clip that matched her poofy dress. She completed the look with a matching necklace and pair of ear rings.

"Ooooooh you look wonderful!" Katherine mused as she twirled for her.

"Of course I do! Now let's go before the carriages leave us and we have to walk." Alice said grabbing Katgerines arm. "Although by the looks of it you could use a walk."


"Only joking your perfect Katherine!" Alice said and began leading her to the door. She suddenly gasped and looked down at Katherine's feet, it was like someone had betrayed her. "What are you wearing?"

"Um... shoes?" Katherine said looking down at her favorite pair of leather boots. Alice clicked her tongue and pushed Katherine back into the room.

She sighed as Alice made her wait again, she dug around in her trunk until she pulled out a beautiful pair of shoes.

"If you want to be a princess might as well complete the look." Alice said holding up the shoes. They were white and seemed to sparkle in the light of there bathroom, tears came to Katherine's eyes as she looked at them.

"Oh Alice..."

She didn't know what to say as she unlaced her boots and grabbed the fragile slippers. Surprisingly they fit her perfectly and only raised her half and inch off the ground.

She really did feel like a princess.

Alice couldn't do anything but beam at her best friend and pull her out of the door. Despite hating shoping and anything fruffy she still felt like this was going to be a good night.

For once in her life she was going to be a princess.

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