chapter 8

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"holy shit" I said

"I can take u to the hospital" shawn offered

"yes yes please lets go" I told him 

It was a long and silent ride to the hospital. I was so worried, they were the only people that really cared for me and loved me and if I lost them I wouldn't have anyone. 

"here" shawn said 

I ran into the hospital and asked the doctor if my mom and sister were there. The doctor looked at me with a sad face and I knew what he was gonna tell me.

"Im sorry but their dead" the doctor said 

I broke down. This can't be happening someone pinch me. Shawn came running towards me but I pushed him off and started to run. Not sure where but I ran as fast as I could. 

"LILY" shawn screamed 

I didn't answer but I soon found myself wrapped up in shawns arms 

"how do you know  my name?" I asked 

"I have got my sources" He told me 

"They can't be gone. They were all I had" I said 

"You may not have them but you have me" he said 

This boy makes my heart melt I thought in my mind. No Lily no you can't fall for him not him it will never work out. My heart said yes but my mind said no. 

"stay with me and the boys tonight, we can cheer you up" Shawn suggested

"ok" I agreed 

*At hotel*

I walk in the door and see each boy with 1 flower in their hands. Each boy give me one and a hug. I ended up with a bouquet of flowers. I honestly didn't wanna think about what had happened tonight I just wanted to sleep. I thanked them and asked the boys were I would be sleeping 

"oh we hadn't thought about that" said matt

"your gonna have to sleep with one of us" said taylor sexually

"you can sleep with me?" shawn asked 

"ya that would work" I said 

I took one of shawn sweatshirts and hopped into bed and heard him get in right behind me grabbing my waist. I didn't do anything to stop him because I liked it and I really needed it right now 

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