Chapter two

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That's all I know, that's all I've ever known. Mind sheering, heart killing, attention grabbing pain. I've reveled in it my whole life. Seeing other people at my mercy fills me with such joy.

My life has been far from luxurious: everyone thinks I had it good because I was filthy rich but behind all the riches was something much darker. Death.

My father was a killer. And he taught me to be one too. He loved killing people, it was his job. He was a secret hit man who would get billions from people that wanted someone else killed but didn't want to do it themselves.

He was good at what he did. He never got caught and the police never caught on either. If anything the police thought he was just a normal rich man living with his happy family. But the family wasn't so happy. He was always needed for some mission to kill and was never home. And when he was it wasn't the best.

He'd be preoccupied by papers and other things. Not only was he a hit man but he was a lawyer too. That was his cover up job. The job he used so that it made sense why he had so much money.

My mom and I were fine but we missed him a lot. Other than him not being around as much he was a good enough dad and husband. He didn't beat us or belittle us. Now of course he's not perfect, teaching me how to use an Ak-47 at just the age of ten is a little abnormal but if it made him proud of me then I would do it.

Being in his line of work was dangerous. There were people that wanted him dead too along with his family which is mom and I. He just wanted me to be prepared at all times but I guess he wasn't.

My dad died after one of his missions went left and he was found out and then killed. My mom and I were devastated and we didn't know what to do after that. Of course all the money went to her because she was his wife but she didn't want it. She set up that when I was eighteen that I would get all the money.

I questioned her choice and thought it was just cause she only wanted my dad for him and not his money but then shortly realized it wasn't that at all. One day when I was seventeen I was going to go tell my mom that I got straight A's on my report card but when I walked in I was shook with horror.

She was hanging from the ceiling unconscious and I knew that she hadn't done it to herself. I saw a note that was taped on her dress and I ripped it off and read it. It was a note saying that whoever is responsible for my moms death wanted a lot of money to not kill me too.

I was angry and I wanted revenge on them from taking my mom from me. Because we were so rich my dad had the latest technology and I used it.

Finding the person responsible for my mothers death I brutally milder him and his entire crew with a metal bat and a goal. I got blood all over myself in the process but I didn't care. All that mattered was that they were dead. But after that day I knew that I was a killer, difference between my dad and me is I'm not doing it for money I'm doing it cause I can.

Lying in my bed thinking of the long list of things I have to do for the day I reach over and grab my phone. I see no notification being that I had it on airplane mode and I scroll through my emails and texts.

Getting up from my bed, getting dressed, and heading downstairs to my kitchen I order the chef there to make me some breakfast. We've never had servants in the house because my mom always cooked and my dad would help her clean sometimes, but i don't like doing either of those things so I hired a chef and a maid.

I sold the mansion that we had and bought a regular sized but still luxurious house for myself. It was only me anyways so I don't need much.

Using the money that was left to me I started my own business. And by business I mean being a hit man like my dad.

I wanted to be just like him and I am now. I thought to myself that if I'm going to kill I might as well get paid for it.

I've been knee deep in my missions that I haven't had an time for myself, so I decide to go to a club to take my mind off of things. An old friend of my dads just opened a club downtown and I wanted to go check it out.

Arriving at the club early I see my dads old friend waving at me to come over. He grips me by the shoulders and looks me up and down proudly.

"You've grown so much." I smile at the middle aged man. "Thank you uncle Wesley."

He takes his hands from my shoulders and looks around the building as people start flooding in. "Well that's my cue to leave. Please enjoy yourself."

He leaves me on the dance floor while goes up some stairs and into a room.

After he leaves I see clasik running up to me. I've known clasik since she was born. I'm six years older than her and she's like a sister to me. I accept her hug and hug her back.

"What are you doing here." I ask her while holding her upper left arm. "Just accompanying my dad and also trying to get the club experience." She admits that last part.

She's twenty one now so I don't really care but I do want her to be safe. People start flooding through the door heavier than before and I escape to the bar area where I can avoid all the people.

After about two hours of people watching and regretting my decision to come at all I see a girl walk towards the bar. Shes dressed in a short black dress that hugs her curves. She's gorgeous, I'm captivated by her. She sits at the bar and asks for a sprite and I assume that she doesn't drink.

She looks young, not young enough not to be here but young enough to be around clasik's age. I can't help but stare at her. I'm in awe of such beauty.

She notices me staring at her and asks me if I can help her. I can tell that I'm intimidating her and I like it.

I've never been a man for love or relationships so I don't think of her too heavily until she leaves three hours later. I keep my gaze on her as she walks out the club with her friend. I saw that she was talking and laughing with clasik.

Catching clasik before she gets too far I ask about her. "Who was that girl you were laughing with." She gives me a puzzled look and thinks back to her previous conversation. "Who."

"The girl in the black dress." A lightbulb clicked off in her head and she remembers who I'm talking about. She's a social butterfly so she was talking to people all night, I don't blame her for not remembering. "Oh yeah that's Rosin, I just met her but she's nice. She goes to my school. Why?" I shake my head. "I just thought she was pretty that's all." She nods and walks away.

Getting home, Rosin is all I can think about that whole night. She has completely taken over all my thoughts. I want to know what she's like and what she does. I want to be around her for some odd reason.

She interests me a lot and I can tell I have an affect on her.

I'll know more about her in due time.

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