Chapter four

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      (I open my eyes into a room I've never seen before. I get scared and I don't know who's room it is. This is definitely someone's house because none of the dorms look like this.

"I'm happy to see your finally awake, how'd you sleep little rose." I shake to the sound of that voice again. How's he find me again and how didn't I feel him move me out of my room.

"Are you not gonna respond to me." I gawk hopelessly at him as he stalks around me. I must be in a laying position for how tall he is compared to where I am right now.

He was pretty tall compared to me but I look down and can see I'm in a bed, probably his bed.

"I want and answer Rosin." What how does he know my name I never told him my name he doesn't know anything about who I am how would he know that.

"I... I'm fine thank you." I finally mange to muster out of my mouth shakily with an unsteady breath. How dare I say thank you to him. From it looks like I wasn't brought here because I wanted to be.

"I'm happy you slept well." He reaches for something behind him and I get a little jumpy. "Relax little rose I was grabbing a water for you."

He hands me the water bottle and I begin to finish it in dang near one second. It was so refreshing and exactly what I needed.

But when I close my eyes and open them back up I'm in a different room and it's darker in this room.

Looking around I start to see a pattern. There's whips, flogs, and many more things I've read about and seen in movies.

My vision owns over to the bed where he's sitting legs splayed apart with no shirt on. His smirk evident that this is what he was hoping for.

I try to crawl to I assume is my exit but he pulls me to him with some leash he has attached to my neck.

Once I get close enough to him he looks down at me with an evil smirk and leans down too...)

"Rose, ROSIE, ROSIN wake up."

Lexi's voice wakes me up from my awful nightmare that I had of him. "I'm up I'm up lex please stop yelling, what time is it?"

She checks her phone with an exasperated sigh and puts it back to her side to look at me. "It's 9:34 but it's fine since it's Saturday."

The worry in my body evaporated after she confirmed it was the weekend. I sit up slowly not trying to rush myself and she steps away slightly.

Helping me get on my feet she starts to question me. "Roz why we're sleeping on the floor also why are you still in the clothes you wore yesterday?" I walk over to my little desk and sit down in my chair. Letting out an exasperated sigh I think about if I should tell her about the incident from two days ago.

"Rosin hello what's with you. You've been really weird since Thursday. What's wrong, and don't leave anything out I want to make sure your okay." I grin at her concern for and take her hands into mine after my decision to tell her is final.

"A man has been stalking me." Her eyes go wide and I see her body still in rage. Her chest heaves as she breathe heavily. "No way. That's not okay." She stands from her bed and starts to pace back in forth in our cramped dorm.

"We should tell somebody about this." She looks over at me completely ignoring me vigorously shaking my bed no.

She stops her pace and snaps a finger in the air like she had and idea. "Brices dad aid a police officer I can ask him if he can do something about this."

To My Little Rose,Where stories live. Discover now