Chapter five

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  The name is like heaven in my mind. It's been two weeks of her going to the shower room in the middle of the night, me handing her a rose, leaving her a note in her room, and leaving.

And throughout this entire exchange not a single word was said between us. No thank you's no hi's nothing.

The words were written in our actions towards each other. The first time I came in the shower room while she was alone I was nervous.

I didn't know what to do so I gave her a rose from my garden that reminded me of her. Every rose I see reminds me of her. Everything I see reminds me of her. She's a reoccurring thought and I don't know why.

I've only seen her twice and that was enough for me to completely devote my time to think of her and her alone.

I sit in my office with some brunette sucking me off like her life depended on it, but the only thing I can think of is rosin in her place.

She's not bad but she's not who I want. After shooting my cum in her mouth and her swallowing all of it, impressive. She tries to seduce me more by liking her lips but I can do nothing but grimace internally at her attempts.

I kick her out and try to focus my attention back on my work but it's difficult with rosin consuming each thought in my head.

I crave to see her. I know I'll see her later in her shower room. I've given her a total of sixteen roses and fifteen letters. I've noticed that she kept each of her letters in a shoe box under her bed and has a vase for the roses.

I smirk at the thought of her smiling at each of my notes, laying down with the roses and smelling them not knowing that I sprayed them with my cologne so that she'd know my smell.

The best thing about being a hit man is having impeccable hacking skills. I've hacked into everything that has to do with her interests.

I know her favorite color, food, taste in music, and even the pet she had when she was nine. It was a cat named zoonie.

'Cute' I think to myself when I see I picture of little rosin squeezing a black cat.

But at the moment I have a hit that I have to complete within the next three hours.

Grabbing my keys, my gloves, and my bag I hop into my car and drive off to the location I was sent to kill.

People hire a hitman because they're too scared to do it themselves, but at the end of the day it's still them who remain responsible.

I have no problem taking someone's life, all meaning ti life has been stripped away from me the second I saw my moms dead body swinging from the ceiling.

My heart has been ice cold ever since her death, and my fathers.

My parents meant everything to me and they were taken away from me like it was nothing. Which is why I don't value companionship. Building a foundation in a relationship builds weakness and it won't matter when they're laying dead in front of you.

I've denied everyone who's tried to befriend me. There's just no point.

But the only person I would sort of let get close to me is Rosin.

There's a type of pureness in her that I can't quite describe but I know that I can trust it to be true.

But, I know my little rose has a dark side to her. She wouldn't be okay with me almost seeing her naked every night.

I wish one day that she'll reveal her beautiful body to me. I saw the shape of it in that gorgeous dress she wore the night I met her.

The image flows through my head like I was there again. She completely enthralls me.

To My Little Rose,Where stories live. Discover now