Chapter three

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The loud music was ringing loudly in his ears, it annoyed him, but he kept quiet about it.

Katsuki frowned, glaring at his friends having fun on the dance floor, under the flashing, eye blinding lights  of the club from the bar.

He was forced to come here, with the promise that 'he's gonna have so much fun!' 'It'll help him cool off his mind!' When in reality he really couldn't wait to get home already, the only reason he's still staying is because he knows his friends would probably end up needing a ride home and he'd much rather stay here and wait for it than have to drive the same road twice.

The bartender behind him tapped his shoulder, getting his attention.

Katsuki sighed, giving in for just a little. At this point he had a love-hate relationship with alcohol, it healed him, helped him cool off, cleared his mind and let him not care about any of his problems, but at the same time it makes him bold, makes him take risks and do stuff he'd never even admit to thinking of doing, and the worst part? He never remembered  any of it.

It was hell, alcohol to him felt like hell, a burning sensation down his throat and inside, a suffering feeling, but at the same time freedom from the outside world.

"Anything that goes with an apple cider."

He shouted out loud so the bartender could hear his voice over the music that was booming off the walls. The whole club was basically vibrating, and people jumping up and down as hard as they could wasn't helping.

The bartender poured him a glass, mixing the apple cider with some dark rum before sliding it over the counter to Katsuki, who reluctantly picked it up.

"Something on your mind?"

The bartender finally asks, an empty glass in one hand while he used a towel to clean the inside with the other.

Katsuki raised an eyebrow, only glancing at the bartender before looking back at the glass in his hand, slowly spinning the glass, making the liquor slide against the walls of the glass.

Fuck. His mind was messing him up today.

Katsuki eventually shrugged and moved the glass to his lips, gulping it down before slamming the glass down and sliding it back to the bartender. The liquid poured down his throat, the feeling of being burnt from the inside calming Katsuki down.

Hot liquid in his throat huh. What a great fucking day to drink.

"Just pour me another glass, no questions."

He murmured and glared at the bartender, who reluctantly nodded and took the glass to pour some more.

"You look like you're having a tough time."

The other man murmured, his light blue eyes glancing at the grumpy blonde from across the counter, before back to the apple cider he was preparing.

Katsuki let out a sigh—almost groan as he threw his head back and closed his eyes.

"You're really gonna make me have to pour my heart out to a stranger behind the bar in a club?"

He asked, looking back ahead and finally, finally glancing at the bartender.

He looked young- and was surprisingly short. Maybe 5'4..? Katsuki guessed he was an albino by the almost white hair, it didn't look dyed, it looked natural.

He chuckled, sliding the glass over the counter and back to Katsuki.

"Got anyone better to vent to? Or would you rather bottle it up like that apple cider in your stomach."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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