14. WHAT?!

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This adorable little munchkin looks absolutely precious snuggled against my chest

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This adorable little munchkin looks absolutely precious snuggled against my chest...

Hayee kha jau m tujhe meri tara... meri bandar...

I glanced at my phone to check the time and any updates on the latest nonsense brewing in my US office.

It was six in the morning.

I noticed a few emails from my PA, but I wasn't in the mood to deal with them.

I was happy and resolved not to let that nonsense dampen my spirits.

I took tara over me and saw she had a beautiful small smile on her face. I whispered in her ear

" Happy birthday tara. Uth jao chalo or you will be late for the flight." I said, gently pressing my lips against her forehead.

She gripped me even tighter.

I just don't want to leave her alone on our birthday, but I have to. I know I should have prioritized her over work, but it's urgent, and I can't do anything about that.

Taking that guilt in my heart, I gently woke her up, and soon we both got ready to catch our flights.

Hers was scheduled an hour earlier than mine.

At the airport, just before she was due to leave for the check-in, tears welled up in her eyes.

"Ranno, I don't want to leave you... Please take me with you," she said.

"My love, I can never leave you, but please understand, it's a bit risky there," I said, quieting her with a tender kiss on her lips.

A beautiful smile spread across her face, and she hugged me tightly.

" apna dhyan rkhna and happy birthday ranno" she whispered.

She left for the check-in.

The moment she walked away, I felt a strange sensation in my heart. It was as if I was seeing her happy with me for the last time. No, that can't be true. She's mine. Why would it feel like this?!

I shook off the unsettling feeling, attributing it to the stress and chaos surrounding us.

Calling out her name as she didn't stray too far, I hurried towards her and enveloped her in a tight hug.

"Take care, Alara," I whispered softly.

She nodded in response and continued on her way.

I didn't want to leave her.

There's this twinge in my heart.

I feel strange, scared. I don't know why.

This time, saying goodbye was even harder for me.

But don't worry, my love, I will come back soon and marry you.

"Then, I won't leave you alone for even a moment."

REGAL REVELATIONS: Love's unexpected twistsWhere stories live. Discover now