10. Bhai

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Dear Bhai

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Dear Bhai

How are you? It's been a while we haven't talked. Right? I tried to talk to you yesterday but you did not show up. I really wanted to share everything going on with me nowadays. OK! So, fasten your seat belts because what I am about to tell you is surely going to blow your mind.

Your Aaalu, yes, your nerdy aalu, is in love. I'm sorry for not telling you sooner; it's just that I couldn't find the time between spending time with him. I know you might think I'm forgetting about you and not talking to you, but believe me, this guy really keeps me busy all day.

His name is Rehan. You might know, the son of Udaipur's King. But honestly, that's not what makes my heart skip a beat. What matters is how he makes me feel. He's not just a boyfriend; he's my best friend, my confidant, my everything. His kindness and warmth envelop me like a cozy blanket on a cold night. 

With him, I feel seen, heard, and loved in a way I've never experienced before. He knows the depths of my soul, the quirks of my personality, and he loves me all the more for it. So yeah, maybe he's a prince in some people's eyes, but to me, he's my prince charming, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Han han nhi karri zada tareef. Theek hai. But trust me bhaii he is the best guy I have ever met.

He has these secretive cameras in my room, which might seem creepy to some, but honestly, I don't mind. It's like he wants to capture the purest, most natural moments of me, and I find that strangely endearing. And, I'll admit, there's something oddly comforting about the idea of him watching me sleep. 

It's like he's keeping a silent watch over me, protecting me even in my most peaceful moments. And you know what? Sometimes I catch myself wishing I could return the favor—watch him sleep, see him all peaceful and tucked in, maybe even snuggled up next to me.

But hey, let's not go there... at least not right now.

Bhai, I miss your hugs more than words can say. I miss how you could make me laugh, even when I was crying my eyes out. Remember how you used to scold me when I messed up your hair, but then you'd turn around and make it all better by surprising me with my favorite chocolates and a bouquet of baby's breath? No one else knows that those delicate flowers are my absolute favorite, but somehow, you always did.

 It's like you had this magic touch, this ability to see right through me and know exactly what would make me smile. I've been tempted to tell Rehan about it, but there's this hesitation, this uncertainty. I don't know how he'd react, or if he'd understand the significance behind those little gestures. But hey, who knows? 

Maybe one day I'll find the courage to share that part of myself with him, just like I've always shared everything else with you.

Bhai, sometimes I wonder if in some parallel universe, you're still here with us. Maybe there, we're still having our fun car rides, laughing until our stomachs hurt, and sneaking off to the farthest corners of town without telling Mumma. 

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