Clumsy Bunny

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"Oh for fuck sake" I cursed tiredly, glancing at my alarm clock which read 9:00am, I had actually managed to fall asleep when I came home from work, only to wake up to my sisters having a bloody screaming match. I swear to Ryuk* if they're fighting over something stupid, I will behead them both. I'm not even kidding, last time it was because Mel had worn Sams' fluffy socks. Needless to say I burned those damned socks.

I groggily got up, heading to my bedroom door, about to give them a piece of my mind when my phone beeped, I groaned, turning back around to grab the damn thing off my bed, yeah, I'm not a morning person or even a day person.I glanced at my phone to see I had a message from Tammy.

'Fool, you better be awake'~Food dealer, 

Let me explain her nickname, you see we have this inside joke, since she is always buying me food, I call her Food dealer and she calls me Food Junkie. She's a morning person as you may notice although her hangover is probably putting a damper on her mood which made me smile, serves her right for abandoning me.

Beep. what now. probably asking me to bring her, her beloved Coke Zero.

'bring me some painkillers'~Food Dealer

'Oh and Coke Zero'

I snorted, she thinks I'm going to walk to her house and to the shop when all she has to do is walk for five minutes to get to the shop

'you know you love me'

I groaned, If I don't I'll never hear the end of it. A crash came from the kitchen reminding me of why I was awake this bloody early and just as I opened I heard Mel shriek in disbelief
"You split coffee all over my favourite book and all you have to say is oh?!" My eyes widened in surprise as I rushed to the sitting room area to save Sam from dying a painful death.

When I arrived in the sitting room Mel was two seconds away from strangling Sam. 

"Melodie Racheal Grace McCabe, Put that lamp down before I personally burn your whole book collection" This made Mel pause before slowly lowering the lamp and putting it back on the table.Sam had a smug look on her face but it dropped when I turned my gaze to her and the coffee stained novel in her hands.

I ran my hand over my face and let out a tired sighed " You seriously are an idiot Sam" Sam was about to protest but I silenced her with a hard look. "What book is it?

She looked down and mumbled something incoherently. I raised an eyebrow "I'm sorry but I don't believe I speak alien"

Sam glared at me "The book with the black magicians in it or something" 

Mel gave her a look of disbelief "The High Lord by Trudi Canavan, One of my favourite books!". My eyes widened, Oh my geez, that was her favourite book. At this point, Mel Was going as red as a fire truck and I can just imagine the steam coming from her ears. I stepped in before Mel could throttle the book thief and destroyer, What I love books too okay? 

"Okayyyy, Mel, Calm your tits and Sam, you owe her an apology" I stated

"Sorry" Sam muttered

"For?" Sam huffed and glared at me 

"I'm sorry for ruining your book even though it was a damn accident" Sam turned to glance at me "Are you happy now?" I grimaced about the consequences of what I'm about to do.

"Sam, I'll have to take it out of your pocket money" Same opened her mouth and closed it like like a fish. She continued doing this for a while before she huffed angrily and stomped back to her room, although she looked quite funny as she was wearing her bunny onesie. She's getting a bit more mature then last time, she didn't understand why Mel couldn't just buy a new one but after a lot of effort she understood that money was tight for us and even to give her the pocket money in the first place was a miracle. I just wanted her to be able to live as a normal teenager, which I understand is hypocritical as I'm not exactly living my 'teenager life'

After everything that happened, someone had to wear the adult shoes and that just happened to be me. Mel helps too but she just can't juggle college,work and work experience-She's training to be a anthropologist, or more specifically, a forensic anthropologist- . It's a difficult feat for me as well but I can work when I'm supposed to be sleeping and since I worked long shifts I get paid a fair amount, that and my art classes just about cover the expenses. Mel managed to secure a scholarship and a grant from the government. That is the only reason why we can actually stay afloat right now.

"Don't you have to be somewhere " I looked over at the clock hanging above our oven "in like 10 minutes Mel?" I questioned

Mel gave a squeak of surprise "Omg I'm going to be late, I'M GOING TO BE LATE" She repeated over and over until she found her bag and the car keys before slipping out the door as fast as lightening 


I groaned, looking down at myself in my fluffy onesie deciding  that I can't be arsed to change and I do not give a crap if i get strange looks. Stupid tired just ugh. I took my phone out of my pocket where I previously put it so it could avoid any tragedies that would most likely befallen it if it stayed in my hand.I'm clumsy okay?

 Not even bothering to read Tammy's text I typed 'On my way, Make me coffee' and sent it but paused before sending 'Never mind just put the kettle on, Your coffee making skills stink'

 Not even bothering to read Tammy's text I typed 'On my way, Make me coffee' and sent it but paused before sending 'Never mind just put the kettle on, Your coffee making skills stink'

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I skipped breakfast as I don't normally eat anything for breakfast anyways.I dragged my feet out the door before stopping and walking back in and shouting to Sam "I'm leaving don't do anything I wouldn't do!""Actually don't do anything Mel wouldn't do!" I could hear faint laughter as I slammed the door behind me. 

I walked to the store literally five minutes from Tams house and went in to pick up some painkillers and Coke Zero, getting some funny looks as I did so. 

"Look Mommy, It's a bunny!" a little kid passing me exclaimed excitedly to his mother, His mother hushed him quietly and sent me an apologetic look, I just sent her a smile and laughed.

I paid for my items before hurrying out the door and putting my change into my pocket as I was going, All was going fine until I ran into something rock solid, I kid you not, I think I hit the ground so hard, I broke my tailbone.I huffed out a breath, watching as my Coke Zero rolled further away from me before a hand swooped in to pick it up. My eyes trailed up the hand meeting, what you probably guessed, The Azure blue eyes of the mystery guy from last night. Oh yay.


Ok Guys, Please don't hate me. I thought you deserved an update even if it was small and bad xD

I've been sick and school is hectic, I'm also pretty sure my teachers hate me, 

Like how do I do 5 two page essays in one night, please give me a break.

Love you all

P.S.*Ryuk is a death god from an anime called 'Death Note'

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