Pikachu hair and yellow haters

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I blinked, thinking my vision was playing tricks on me but no, he was still there, this was indeed the same guy I encountered last night, the 3am-coffee-guy. I wonder if he plans on doing that again anytime soon.

Coming back to reality, It occurred to me I let my mind wander again and by the time I realised this, I was getting strange looks off passersby and what seemed to be an impatient look off 3am-coffee-guy , which is what I will be calling the guy until I discover his actual name.

"My bad" I mumbled, getting up and dusting myself off before grabbing my belongings off the ground,Damn I am pretty sure I just broke my butt / When I was 15 I fell over my sisters Shih Tzu , Damn thing got out and thought I was playing with him when I was actually just trying to catch him because he had no road sense at all, this could contribute to why my ass aches because I kid you not I couldn't sit down for a good while after that incident/ .

I stood up now equipped with everything and I looked at 3am-coffee-guy, kind of expecting an apology, at least a half assed apology would be nice considering my fall was sort of his fault as well seeing as he had earphones in, not paying attention. He was carelessly holding his phone in one hand while his other hand was currently in his jean pocket. He looked at me with one eyebrow raised and realisation dawned on me that I was in the way and a blush crawled its way up my neck and onto my cheeks.

"Sorry" I stuttered, scooting out of the way of the entrance, keeping my head down, I started walking doing my best not to make a spectacle of myself with the possibility of falling again. I chanced a sneak peak over my shoulder and wasn't surprised to see 3am-coffee-guy gone.

Looking down at myself I groaned, I just had to bump into him today.


Oh my god, Goddamit that woman is impatient.

I power walked the rest of the way to Tammy's apartment, careful not to drop anything.I breathed a sigh of relief as Tammy's apartment block came into view. I have no directional sense at all, but even I can't miss the yellow building. I know, why would anyone in their right mind paint a building yellow?

I entered the building and started biting my lip in thought. Tam's apartment was four floors up, but if I go up in the elevator, there is the possibility of it breaking down again -It's like 15 years old- but if I go up the stairs there is the possibility of Drug Dealers. I sighed, deciding the stairs is my best bet, at least I would only have to suffer for ten minutes on the stairs where as I would have to suffer for god knows how long in the Elevator of Hell.

Thankfully I got safely up the stairs, Knowing Tam and her Tendency to leave her door unlocked, I opened the door with my foot and screamed "YO BITCHFACE WHERE ARE YOU"

Tammy came out from the direction of the bathroom and I snickered
"You look like you just got electrocuted by pikachu"

Let me just paint a picture for you. Tams nornally short red hair not only looked like a birds nest but also had random patches of yellow and black. She was wearing her favourite black bra -it has skulls in black lace decorating the front of it- and her breasts were almost falling out of it. She surprisingly has pants on, bright turquoise short shorts.
I threw the shopping on the couch, wincing as I heard the Coke Zero thud when it hit the ground.

I immediately held my hands up in surrender. "I swear I didnt mean to do that"

Tams sitting room is connected to her kitchen. Her walls are painted a dull red but it was chipping so you could see the yellow paint that had previously been there. Tam absolutely hates yellow so the first thing she did when she moved in was to paint over it.

"Whatever just give me the goods" I raised my eyebrows "you are not really going to make me say please" She whined. I smiled but kept my ground "okay fine" she huffed "pleaseee"

"Naw you get it, it's all the way over there and I want coffee" I smirked as Tammy growled. Yes growled. Glaring she stomped over to the couch and gathered everything but on her way back she walked into the table.

"Ok I know I'm bad but it takes skill to walk into your table" I laughed

"Whatever it was in my way" I rolled my eyes. I sauntered towards the cabinet and my eyes widened in shock when I opened it and realised there was no coffee.

I turned around slowly only to see Tammy quickly retreating,  Coke Zero in hand.

"There is no CoFFEE AND YOU DIDN'T THINK TO TELL ME BEFORE I CAME" I exclaimed, outraged. 

"Oopsies?" Tammy muttered sheepishly

I blinked, staring at her like she just sprouted another head. "You're kidding right? You know what I'm like when I don't get my Hourly dose of coffee. I'm-I'm Ursla for gods sake!"

"I'm sorry okay!?, You would've taken your time finding the right one and I wanted my Coke!" She tried to reason

I grumbled,"It's not like I can do anything about it now,I will just have to go to the shop and get some, Someday I'll just slice and dice you and I won't ever have this problem again"

"You-you wouldn't do that!" She exclaimed

"How would you know? I could murder you in so many different ways and get away with it." I stated casually " The perks of having an obsession with Criminal Minds and Bones" 

Tammy gasped dramatically,fanning herself. I rolled my eyes "yeah yeah you and you're acting has not gotten any better from the last time you know," I laughed "Do you remember that time where you 'accidentally' spilled your drink on that boy that you were crushing on in 10th grade? It was so obvious it was on purpose, you should have just threw it on his head and it would've been less obvious" 

Tammys cheeks started to flame red."Oh shut up!" She exclaimed "He was hot okay?! and I was not hot? I dont know, How else was he going to notice me?"

"By not doing that?" I replied unsurely

"Whatever, Hey there's this party tonig-" 




"pleaseeeeeee" She stuck her bottom lip out and batted her eyelashes

"Are you trying to be cute?" I asked amusedly


I groaned "Okay fine-"

"And I get to chose your outfit-"


"Because your fashion sense sucks ass"

"Oh geez thanks" I muttered

"You're welcome sweetheart" Tammy winked and started to skip to her room

"This will be awesome!" Tam squealed from her room, This is going to be one crazy night.


Okay I know this is short and there will be many grammar mistakes and such because I haven't had time to update because I actually have some sort of social life now and school is going to be the death of me.

I think I might get another chapter up this weekend because I have Monday off so I don't know.

Did you like my references??? I hope you did.

You will meet a lot of characters in the next chapter so be ready xD

Ciao for now ^.^


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