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We landed in Tokyo 3 days ago and I'm currently in my penthouse writing down my plans on how I will kill Kaito. For the first month I'll be moving on the low, no attention should be on me. A few of my staff don't know I'm now working from Tokyo and I want to keep it that way. Word shouldn't spread for at least a few weeks.

Kaito not knowing I'm in Tokyo gives me an advantage. I have a few men who will be  following him and updating  me on his every move, that way planning an ambush would be easy. My plan is not to kill him on the spot, but to get my men an open window to kidnap him, he's dying slow and in my basement. 

I'll also be planting a bug into his phone, so I can listen in on his conversations and track him. Even though my men will be following him, I want to also know where he is without being told. I'll will also not have my men following him all the time because if he does notice the same people following him all the time, it'll blow my cover. 

I found out that he also has a brother named Kenji, this is good on my part. I can simply take him and use him as bait to lure Kaito out. This plan can be very efficient but also could fail, I don't know how close the brothers are. If they don't care for each other I don't think Kaito will be coming to the rescue and that would not only be a failed mission but Kaito will be onto me. I'm thinking I should have someone follow Kenji as well. 

"Vi when are you planning on announcing your stay in Tokyo?" Kim asks as she walks into the room and taking a seat in front of me. 

"Once I have the bug planted in Kaito's phone and the men have at least figured out where he stays. Hopefully this will be done before next week, then my stay can be made to the public.

"Noted. You've been working the whole day with no food, do you want me to get you something to eat?"

"That would be lovely thank you", I respond stretching my arms out and cracking my neck. She nods and gets up exiting the room. I've also been sitting the whole day so I decide to get up and walk around the room a little t stretch my leg muscles. 

A week later

The bug had been planted and my men had confirmed that Kaito lives in a penthouse 25 minutes away from where I am currently staying. His brother was also bugged and I have some men also trailing him. Now that those things are done I am announcing my transfer to the Tokyo office. I have been working form home since we arrived, I wanted to make sure that I had Kaito monitored before I can proceed with normal business. I make my way into the building and employees are lined up waiting for me to acknowledge them. 

"Ohayogozaimasu, misu Omer", they bow. 
(Good morning miss Omer)

"Ohayo", I greet back.
(Good morning)

"Korekara 3 kagetsu-kan, watashitachi to issho ni i rareru koto o ureshiku omoimasu" the staff says in unison.
(We are happy to have you with us for the next 3 months)

"Arigato, min'na nakayoku dekimasu yo ni" I respond with a bow and the chief of staff soon lets everyone know they can go back to their normal duties. 
(Thank you, I hope we can all get along well)

I was then escorted to the head office and later introduced to other member of staff I had not seen yet. Today wasn't really a busy day so after a few meetings about the status of the company I let everyone leave early. Tomorrow is going to be hectic, some things need to be fixed and changed so they'll need the rest. As we were driving back home I turned on my phone to check the latest Tokyo news and dozens of articles about my 3 month stay were flooding the net. 

Kaito now knows of my presence in Tokyo.  

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