/01/ Masks of Danger (Yeonbin)

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"Hi, kitten." The wolf-eyed man drew closer to his prey.
"Wanna play mine for a masquerade? "He smirked, the smaller one just backed away.
"Baby boy no need to be scared, remember we're in Gotham, this city's filled with lunatics." He cackled. "Yes, but you look like the Joker out of all of them." The smaller mumbled.
"Well then you can be my Harley, can't you?" The wolf-like man was now towering over the older.
"Let me ruin you, let me show you the masks of danger."


Harley Choi, formerly Choi Yeonjun didn't use to be this way, like the real Harley he was completely normal until the so-called queen of Korea's Gotham met his king, the Joker, Choi Soobin. 

_________________THE BEGINING_________________

"INITIATING FULL LOCKDOWN, INITIATING FULL LOCKDOWN" The automated voice announced through the speakers. "INMATE 101 HAS ESCAPED NOBODY LEAVE AND KEEP YOUR GUARD UP!" Red that's all he saw, red as all the alarms went off, red, he never needed to escape so he never did, that was his plan, red was the signal, let the chaos begin. "CAGE 35 HAS BEEN OPENED" The automated voice spoke yet again. Cage 35, not his. "CAGE 78 HAS BEEN OPENED" It continued. Cage 78, not his. "CAGE 64 HAS BEEN OPENED" Again cage 64, not his, red, red, only red, this is what he wants, with each lockdown button they press the more lunatics were released, his distraction, red. "CAGE SUPERVISIOTORY 92 HAS BEEN OPENED" Red. He was released. Run, the voice rang in his head. RUN YOU BASTARD RUN! So he did. Run, run, run. Security room, murder, revenge, only three things in his head, no second nor third thought, just: Security room, murder, revenge.

"SHIT HOW DID HE DO THIS HOW THE FUCK DID HE DO THIS!" The warden screamed. "He may be a lunatic but he sure is a genius, almost had to cut off his tongue, and ended up shutting his mouth for a year-" the guard paused. A laugh, a maniacal laugh echoed through the room. Dead, that's what they were, Dead men breathing, but only just. No plan: Security room, murder, revenge. "La la lala la~" The Siren-like voice captivated yet broke them, dead, dead. "YOU'RE ALL DEAD!" And he spoke the truth, dead yes they were all dead. "BYE BYE SECURITY GUARD TWO!" He screamed. The lights went off for a few seconds. Bang! Dead, Security guard two was dead, skinned completely covered in a pool of his never-ending blood. "SEE YOU NEVER SECURITY GAURD FOUR!" Lights went off, bang! Security guard two met the same fate as his co-worker. "NOW WARDEN AND THE OTHER THREE GUARDS IF YOU WANT TO LIVE RELEASE THEM AND GET INTO ANY SUPERVISORY CAGE!" The hesitated. "NO!" the warden shouted. Bang! Security guard three was shot in the chest, this made the warden and the two remaining guards obey they opened the gates, and every gate, and went into the cages, cages that the lunatic proceeded to close. Free he was free. 

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