/04/ Masks of Danger (Yeonbin)

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--------KANG LAW FIRM--------

"No she hasn't, and no nothing odd has happened so far, I could ask the Huenings?" Dongsun spoke though the phone. "No? What do you mean no their eldest is a cop, they can find her. You know what never mind I'll see what I can do, and no I do not care if you want to keep it on the low, she's my client and I need to know her location. And while we're on this topic, how do you know that she's missing?" He paused. "It's Illegal you know it no matter how much strings you pulled, she's pulled many more and she's heavily protected." He paused again. "You still love her don't you? Daewon, she loved someone else, and she's clearly shown she's never going to love you, especially how you speak of her son and late husband. Anyways I've got to go I'll give you information when I find out more." He put the phone down and picked up the file on his desk. "Kim Jisoo, what are you hiding." He said and flicked through it.


"Name please." The receptionist said. "Choi Yeonjun." "Department?" "Neuropsychology." "Third floor and once you get there the signs will show you where to go." Yeonjun nodded and headed to the elevator.

"Name?" "Hyunsoo." "I need your last name too." The man speaking with the receptionist smirked. "Lee Hyunsoo." "Wait that's my-" Silence, he had killed the receptionist, the receptionist who's name was Lee Hyunsoo. He put his information down on the paper and he made his way to the psych ward, the same psych ward where he was evaluated to be bipolar, schizophrenic, dissociative, and heavily psychotic, the ward that'll never remember him either. His mother making sure to cut all ties with him also made sure to erase any memory of him under her last name. "Lee Hyunsoo? We have a receptionist named Lee Hyunsoo." The security guard said. "Oh really I haven't met him yet, but I am sure he'll be great." He smiled and responded, dead he was dead and he knew they'd be after him, he just needed one file, he knew the cameras were disabled, obviously as he wasn't alone so the suspicion would be left, his fingerprints didn't exist, he's safe, for now. Staff room was the only thing on his mind.

"Oh come on Changbin you could've told me you work here." "For your infor- YEONJUN LOOK OUT!" Too late. Yeonjun looked up and was met with two black orbs. 'Cute' he thought, before he was knocked back into his senses. "Oh my god, I am so sorry Mr... Lee." he said while looking at the man's name tag. "Umm is there any way I could make it up?" He asked Mr Lee. "Actually yes I need a file on a former patient and I don't know where the file room is as I am a transfer." "May I ask why?" "Oh you know the head of the neuropsychology? Well he needs a file and I am a very trusted psychologist by many people so yeah." "Oh okay um third door on the left." "Thanks." And he walked away. "Oooooh Looks like someone has a crush-" "Oh shut up." Eureka, Yeonjun had just made the biggest mistake anyone could when a psycho brakes out of prison. But how could he know? His father had made sure everything was kept a secret.

"Kim Soobin, Kim Soobin, Kim Soobin." The man whispered over and over again. "Kim Soobin." He smirked he found it. He found his file he took it out of he drawer and admired it.

He closed the K drawer, grabbed his lighter from his left pocket and set the file on fire

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He closed the K drawer, grabbed his lighter from his left pocket and set the file on fire. Gone he was safe. Safe, safe. He watched the file burn out and left. He walked past every single room, every single corridor. He made it outside. Safe he was safe.


I want to change the description T-T um yeah vote if you like also I'm sorta surprised at the rankings-

like seriously i can barely write in english and it has this rank any ways go to sleep of your mom will smack you with a chapaal byeeeeeeeee and Happy 11th BTS Anniversaryyyyyyyyy borahae mhwa 💋-

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