Chapter 1

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Bye mum, bye Dad" I yell as i run into dance practise. Ugh 5:04 I stare at the clock. I'm never ever late to practice. I'm always on time if not 10 minutes early.

Ew Stephanie. I may be the dance team captain and have to be "nice" and "friendly" to everyone but when it comes to Stephanie I can think whatever.

"Line up ladies" my dance coach yells.

Yay another 4 hour practice hooray!


Omigosh that was the worst practice ever. I stroll out to the carpark waiting for my parents to pick me up.

5 minutes later a unknown car drives up to me.

"Umm hi Maddi" the lady says

"Hi" I reply

"I'm afraid I have some bad news"

The rest of the night went in a blur. I don't remember much, but right now I'm lying in bed, what I've done for the past few days.

I don't think I've introduced my self yet. I'm Maddison or as most people call me Maddi. I'm 16 and the dance captain at West View high. My parents are dead.

Anyways lets get back to the story before it gets to sad.

So after a couple days lounging around I had to get out of bed, otherwise I never will.

I was feeling really alone. I had no other close relatives, no siblings and my best friend was out of town. Lucky me.

I sighed and walked to the bathroom. Even though no one was here I still liked to look presentable.

I took a quick shower and tied my hair in a messy bun. I applied minimal makeup and went to find food.

I tripped over my feet down the stairs and ended up in a heap at the bottom.

I don't know what it was but suddenly I just burst out crying. I probably cried for a good 10 minutes before I heard a knock on the door.

I was so confused. I thought it was maybe my parents playing a sick joke on me. But of course I let my hopes get too high.

I opened the door to see my mothers best friend, Lily standing there.

"Uh hi there Maddi" she said

"Hello?" I answered

"I know this may be pretty upsetting and your really confused and you have heaps of questions but, uh when your mother and father wrote there will..."

I slammed the door in her face. She may be trying to help me, but I don't want her, I don't want anyone, I want my parents.

I slid to the floor and burst into more tears.

The little bit of mascara I was wearing ran and I knew I looked like shit.

I sighed and opened the door again. Lily was still standing there.

"I'm sorry, this is just really hard" I said

"I understand"

What? No you do not understand. Your parents have not just tragically died and your not alone right now.

"Thanks, uh so what were you saying before"

"Oh um in your mothers and fathers will they said that if anything happens to Maddi she has to go and live with Lily and her family. So yeah, here I am" she smiled

"Oh ok, I'm not really packed to move yet" I just wanted to put this move off as long as possible

"Oh that's alright" she smiled "my eldest son can pick you up tomorrow morning"

"Ok, sounds great" I said closing the door

That did not at all sound great! How was I to leave. My childhood, my memories, my life is all here, in this house.

My stomach rumbled. Breakfast time. I strolled into kitchen looking for some breakfast.

My eyes landed on fruit loops. Ooo yum. I grabbed the box and dumped a pile in my bowl, drowning it with milk.

Once I'd finished breakfast I strolled upstairs to start packing.

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