Chapter 4

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"I'm home" Lucas yelled

Suddenly all you heard was boom boom boom boom. It sounded like 10 elephants were coming to greet me, but instead it was 10 boys. Lily walked in from behind them.

"Boys, I'd like you to meet Maddi, why don't you tell them a bit about yourself Maddi"

"Uh yeah sure" one boy in particular had my attention

Before I could say anything else he spoke

"Ugh why do we have to listen to her, can't we just go" he said

And I'm guessing that's the douche bag.

"Listen to Maddi, Hunter" Lily growled

And I was correct, he's the popular douche.

"As I was saying, hi I'm Maddi, I love to dance. I do ballet, contemporary and hip hop. I also loves horses"

"Thanks Maddi, now boys be gentleman and introduce yourselves." Lily snapped at the boys

A little boy stepped forward

"Hello" he said giving me the cutest smile ever. "I'm Ethan, will you be my fwend?"

"Off course little man" That's the 5 year old.

He giggled and ran off. Next to step forward were two boys that looked quite similar. I'm guessing they're the twins.

"Hey, I'm Jayden and that's Jordan" he said pointing at his brother.

Correct again. They both left and walked up the stairs.

One by one they all introduced themselves. Till there were two left.

"Heyyy, I'm William but everyone calls me Will, as in Will you let me touch your tits"

And that is the family pervet. He laughed and strolled off. Lily smacked his head as he pasted her. Last but not least. Hunter

"Sup, I'm Hunter. Bye"

He tried to walk away but Lily pulled him by his hood. I giggled

"Not so fast mister, you're going to show Maddi to her room"

"Ughhh fine, hurry up"

I followed him up the stairs, right, then two doors down. He pointed at the door then left. Rude, I thought to myself.

My bags and crap was already waiting in my room and I didn't know what else to do so I un-packed.


After dinner I picked out my outfit for the day. Acid washed skinny jeans, ballet flats and a cute shirt.

I flopped on my bed and Skyped Brittany (my bestie).

We talked for what seemed like hours. Before we said our goodnights and promised to keep her updated on what's going on.

I quickly slipped into my Pj's and went into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and wiped off my makeup.

I stumbled back over to bed and went to sleep.

So nervous for my first day at a new school.

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