Quality Quidditch Supplies...Fun

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"Fuck" Orion mutters as he sees Lucius Malfoy standing there with an excited Draco. His permanent scowl plastered on his face and that annoyed look in his eyes every time he has to be in proximity to Orion. 

"You get on me for using quote-on-quote those types of words  and here you are using it." Mattheo huffs at Orion.

"I have to be in the same presence as Lucius Malfoy who strongly dislikes me as I do him. I think I should have a little leeway on anything I say or do when it comes to him." Orion says putting on a fake smile as he walks towards his cousin and his father. "Dray, Lucius how have you been?" Orion asks venom present in his voice when he says Lucius's name. 

"Orion! Father has been very busy all summer so we really didn't travel much and things have been tough since Dobby left, but other then that things have been fine." Draco says running over to hug Orion. 

"That's good to hear. If you need any help I'm sure Kreacher would be more then happy to help around. I know he must be bored out of his mind being alone in 12 Grimmauld Place with Grandmother's portrait." Orion says smiling at Draco though slightly uncomfortable with physical contact.

"Yes, well if we need you're assistance Narcissa will be in touch. Now if we're done playing catch up shall we go purchase the necessary items for this year." Lucius says staring coldly at Orion and gripping his cane. Mattheo and Theo both take a step back so they don't get caught in the stare-down between Orion and Mr. Malfoy. 

"Right come on now I want to check out the Quality Quidditch Supplies." Draco says as he pulls Orion along towards the store.

"Hell, yeah!" Mattheo says going after them excited to check out the quidditch supplies. Theo sends a small smile towards Lucius Malfoy before catching up with his friends. 


Orion was standing next to Draco as he looked at some new expensive gloves. Mattheo walks over with a new beater bat. "Have you ever thought of joining Quidditch?" Mattheo asks as he stands next to Orion. 

"No, It's not really my thing. Though I will be out cheering for you all." Orion says looking at the older boy. Mattheo just rolls his eyes at the younger one.

"Please you would probably be a really good seeker. Theo wouldn't Orion be good as a seeker? Way better than the one we have now right." Mattheo shouts at Theo across the store with a teasing smirk on his face 

"Hey." Draco says smacking Mattheo on the shoulder. "I'm the seeker you have now idiot." Draco scolds him.

"Oh, I know." Mattheo says laughing before running away as Draco chases him around with a broom. 

Orion sighs as he watches the two run around. One trying to murder the other. Theo walks up with new goggles as he stands close to Orion also watching the two idiots run around. 

"How long till we get kicked out?" Theo asks leaning closer to Orion. Orion's hair smelt lavender from his shampoo and conditioner. 

"They won't kick us out. Even if they wanted to. They're too scared to face the wrath of Lucius Malfoy." Orion says glancing over to the owners who were watching the two boys. 

"Good Point." Theo says standing

"DRACO" Lucius's voice booms in the store. "Enough fooling around let go." Lucius says once he got his son's attention. "Orion, is there anything you need? I know you're guardian isn't well off and Narcissa would have me head if you didn't get everything you needed for school." Lucius says looking down at Orion with annoyance. 

"I am well off enough to get all my necessities Mr.Malfoy and thank you for your generosity." Orion says giving Lucius a fake smile.

"Very well. Let's be off now before the shops become full of pests." Lucius says turning around and exiting the store the boys in follow. 


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