Hermione Petrified and Sibling Time

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News spread like wildfire. Hermione Granger had just been found PETRIFIED! It happened the same day as the Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff quidditch game. Everyone was in a panic. Students had already left Hogwarts for their safety. Xenophillus even sent a letter to Luna and Orion asking if they would like to come back. They both declined wanting to finish the year even with the lurking danger. 

Orion sat in Professor Lockhart's class completely ignoring him as he went on and on about himself. Orion was doodling around his parchment out of complete boredom when suddenly Professor Lockhart called out to him. "Mr. Black, you have read my book correct!" Professor Lockhart calls out. "Yes, Professor, I have." Orion says. "May I ask which one was you're favorite?" The professor asks with his obnoxious smile. "I enjoyed the guide to household pets. Sir" Orion says. "Excellent, though I would have to admit I prefer my autobiography, but that one is still an excellent choice." Lockhart says before moving on to his next victim.  

A little later Orion and Luna were sitting under a tree in the courtyard. Orion had laid his head on Luna's lap as she ran her fingers through his hair in a comforting manner as he vented about Lockhart.

"Then he says that he preferred his autobiography. Well, no shit it's literally a bloody book about himself." Orion rants . "Can he be any more of a bloody narcissist?" He continues as Luna just hums listening to him. " I mean he doesn't even have the qualifications to teach what the hell was Dumbledore thinking hiring him." He says before signing and closing his eyes. 

"Ok, let's stop talking about your hatred for Professor Lockhart. How have you been doing? Are you still having that phantom pain you told me about?" Luna asks causing Orion to groan in annoyance. "I'm fine Lu. really, Professor Snape has been giving me a potion to help with the tremors and pain caused by the nerve damage. It's not a permanent fix but it's been helping a lot." Orion says opening his eyes to see the worried expression of Luna Lovegood. "I'm just worried. I have seen you're struggling with the tremors and pain." Luna says. "I know Luna. I know. But I'm fine I promise" Orion says holding up his pinky causing Luna to smile brightly making a pinky promise. Orion then closes his eyes to relax.

"Theodore Nott, is staring at you from across the yard." Luna says. "Let him. I could care less." Orion says opening his eyes to look at Theo who immediately looked away once he caught Orion's eyes. "He seems very sorry for whatever he did. You can't be made at him forever." Luna says looking down at Orion. "I honestly have no bloody clue why he got mad at me, just because people gave me Valentines for that muggle holiday." Orion says. "Sounds like  he was jealous. Maybe he has a crush on you." Luna says. "Nott, does not have a crush on me. We have known each other since we were six, practically grew up together at those Pureblood Events." Orion says rolling his eyes at Luna's teasing smile.

"Well, when you first met him you said he followed you around like a lost puppy." Luna says. "Yeah and Draco did the same thing." Orion counters. "Yeah, you're really smart, but really dense at the same time." Luna says. "Ok, well I need to go. I'm going to visit Hermione." Orion says getting up. "Bye see you at dinner" Luna says. 

Short Chapter, but were getting closer to the end of "The Chamber of Secrets" Luna and Orion moments are some of my favorites to write

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Short Chapter, but were getting closer to the end of "The Chamber of Secrets" 
Luna and Orion moments are some of my favorites to write

All rights go to J.K Rowlings I only own my plot and OC's

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