"Watch Your Steps"

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The bustling street was alive with the sounds of hurried footsteps and the hum of conversation as Y/N walked with her head buried in her phone, completely oblivious to her surroundings. Lost in the digital world, she failed to notice the figure approaching until it was too late.

With a sudden collision, Y/N stumbled backward, her phone slipping from her grasp as she fought to regain her balance. The unmistakable sound of liquid splattering against fabric filled the air, and Y/N's heart sank as she realized what had happened.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry!" Y/N exclaimed, her eyes widening in horror as she took in the mess she had made. But before she could apologize further, her words were met with a barrage of insults from the person she had bumped into.

Sana stood before her, her shirt stained with cold coffee, her expression a mask of fury as she unleashed her pent-up frustration.

"Watch where you're going, you clumsy idiot! Maybe if you weren't so busy staring at your phone, you would have seen me coming." Sana spat, her voice dripping with venom as she glared at Y/N.

Y/N recoiled at the harsh words, her own temper flaring in response. "Well, you should have avoided me since you're the one who's paying attention to the road?" she shot back, her voice rising in indignation.

The exchange quickly escalated into a heated argument, with both Sana and Y/N hurling insults and blame at each other with reckless abandon. Tempers flared and emotions ran high as they stood locked in a battle of wills on the crowded street.

But as their argument reached its peak, Sana's gaze fell upon the curious onlookers who had gathered to witness the spectacle. A flush of embarrassment swept over her, her anger momentarily overshadowed by the realization of how foolish they must look.

With a final, cutting remark, Sana turned on her heel and stormed away, her pride wounded and her heart heavy with resentment. "You'll regret this," she seethed, her voice laced with venom. "If we ever cross paths again, you better hide, because you'll pay for what you did today."

And with that ominous warning, Sana disappeared into the throng of people, leaving Y/N standing alone on the street, who just shrugged and continued using her phone.

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