17. Augustine

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And then canceled my plans just in case you'd called...

"Ahhhhhh!" I screamed as we dropped to the ground. At the last second, the ride stopped at the bottom before lifting us up again.

"You scared?" Miles teased.

"Not as scared as you," James chimed in. "We heard you screaming."

"That was Augustine," Miles said quickly.

"Shush, you two," I said. "Look, there's Aurora!"

Looking down, we could see Aurora waving at us, standing in front of Mom. We stopped at the top of the ride again.

"Here we go," Miles said.

We were dropped for a second time. I was prepared this time, so it wasn't as scary, but Miles squealed and gripped onto the overhead seatbelt strapping him in.

I laughed as we reached the bottom. "You are scared!" I laughed.

"Please," Miles said. "I'm not scared."

I shook my head. I couldn't see James or Miles from the way we were strapped in, but I knew James was rolling his eyes.

The ride threw us up and down a few more times before slowly bringing us to the ground. We got out of our seats and headed towards Aurora and our moms.

"That looked so cool!" Aurora exclaimed. She raised her arms for Miles to pick her up, which he did.

"I was scared you'd fall out of your seat," she continued, giving Miles a hug. "That would be sad."

"Way to be concerned for our safety, too," James muttered.

"Looks like someone has a bit of a crush," my mom said.

"You have no idea," I laughed.

She wrapped me in a hug, planting a kiss on the top of my head. "Thank you for giving me a chance," she whispered.

"Of course," I said, before turning to James. "What ride next?" I asked.


We spent the rest of the afternoon going on different rides. We went on the roller coaster, tried out what were basically bumper cars but in the water, and drove the go-karts. I didn't even realize when it started to get dark.

"We have time for one more ride," Leah told us.

"Ferris wheel!" Aurora exclaimed. She had been the best all day, patiently waiting for us when we went on rides she wasn't old enough for. I didn't give her enough credit.

"Let's do it," I told her, picking her up. "You've been a great sister today."

Her brown eyes widened as she stared at me. "Thanks, Auggie," she said. "You're the best big sister." She gave me a hug and rested her head on my shoulder.

"Let's go to the ferris wheel," I told her.

The six of us walked across the lit-up park. Night was coming fast, but luckily it was still warm. The rides shone with florescent lights that illuminated the entire place. I couldn't wait to see what everything looked from the top of the ferris wheel.

"Here we are," Leah said. "They take two per seat. Francine and I will go for a walk while you guys go on the ride. Aurora, who do you want to ride the ferris wheel with?"

"Miles!" Aurora squealed, her entire face lighting up. She slid out of my arms and ran towards him.

"I've been there her whole life, and she ditches me for the first guy she meets," I joked.

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