Chaos Continues but mainly because of Second being tired of everything

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⭕️: Alright you fucks, Second coming to my place in order to sleep is some fucked shit, so what did y'all do that the walking Anti Virus would rather sleep at the place owned by the walking Virus and protected by more viruses?!
🖤: so that's why Second hasn't shown up at my place.
⭕️: I know you're fine but like, wtf guys.
🩵☘️: I'm 100% gonna bet on it being mainly Green's fault, he pisses Second off the most.
💚: Rude, yet, fair.
🖊️: I've noticed Second leaving more so as of late, what's up with that you guys.
💛: Green is an annoying shit who doesn't know how to shut the fuck up and has aided in many sleepless nights for Second, which is proven by Second's explanation as to how he got the mute button for his phone. That story also explains why he went to Dark's place instead of Chosen's.
💜: he did mention having the best sleep in a while so it'd make sense.
⭕️: why would he sleep better at my place? I literally murdered his friends in front of him :/
🖤: couldn't tell ya, but my theory is that you give him the least traumatic thoughts to have nightmares about, unlike me, I dragged him into hell twice so, it'd make sense.
⭕️: alright, that poses a new question, what have you FUCKS been up to to make what I did less traumatic. Because imma throw hands with the main cause. Nothing should be more traumatic than that.
🖊️: no I'd actually like to know too because I thought Victim and Dark were the top two contributors.
🖤: I'd say I'm top 5 but I dunno specifics
❤️: I think I'm top three
💛: top 5 here les gooo
🩵☘️: probably a top 5 here too
💚: trauma factors? I'm not even top 10, annoyance factors? Number 1 we go!
💜: I'd say I'm around the 7 on trauma factor, dad would probably be by Blue or Yellow. Where does Victim place?
💛: Victim is a solid top three, he's like the trauma Dark caused with the trauma Chosen caused mixed with the trauma we caused during Red Posssesion number 1
❤️: at least I'm reconciling with my trauma unlike y'all.
⭕️: okay I just asked because it was bothering me and he was still making his little pillow fort, but apparently, his trauma scale list by person goes like this:
• Red
• Victim
• Himself
• The Agents Victim sent
• Yellow
• Chosen
• Alan
• MT
• Me
• Blue
• Purple
• Green
• DJ
So idfk what Red did to be n1 but that's the list, Second also said DJ is -5 on that list apparently.
❤️: I thought I was n2 but damn
🩵☘️: what the fuck did you do Red?
❤️: UHHHHHHHHH long story short, got possessed three times, one possession was Yellow's fault, all of you had to watch me almost die while I was the only one not possessed, got into an argument where we almost killed each other, have died in front of him twice and disappeared that one time when we first met :D
💚: I'm sorry  W H A T?
⭕️: damn, honestly fair as to why Second favourites you while being incapable of not worrying about you.
🖤: everything makes so much sense but also YOU ALL ARE KIDS! WHAT THE FUCK?!
🖊️: I had no part in Red's problems, I did the one thing and then we made up so-
💜: I dunno how to feel rn
💛: I honestly thought Purple was higher, huh.
💚: fuckin lucky blocks -n-
💛: Yeahhhhhhhh, my bad
🩶✏️: what the fuck happened here?
⭕️: ew, the rat
🖤: holy shit you're right! He is a fucking rat isn't he?
💜: Isn't he the leader of those guys that kidnapped you?
🖤: yeah, that's why he's a rat.
💜: fair enough
❤️: if he's a rat, can I feed him to a new pet of mine 。◕‿◕。
💚: that text face scares me
⭕️: oh you mean the pet I got you :D
🖤: that scares me more
💛: oh I've seen the pet, it's so much worse than you could imagine
🩵☘️: it's a Virabot, obviously, but.... In the shape of a tiger ;w; made specifically to obey Red
💚: Oh. Then fuck it, feed them Victim
🖤: huh, that's nice of you Dark
⭕️: Red's my chaos buddy
🖤: fair enough, can't judge ya there
⭕️: yeah okay sorry but like Second just told me to pass on a message and it's quality gold.
🩶✏️: and why do we care?
⭕️: cause part of the message is for you :) so lemme just: for Victim: "Go the fuck away skank, you probably fuck your top agent anyway" THATS A DIRECT QUOTE DONT POUNT FINGERS ALAN!
🖊️: I- I genuinely didn't think Second was capable of that
🩵☘️: Ah yes, tired second
💚: I feel the other message is for me
❤️: probably, it's routine
🖊️: routine?
💛: not a normal day if Second doesn't cuss out Green before bed.
🖤: ah
💜: why do I suddenly feel like it's not gonna be for Green now?
⭕️: 😥
⭕️: Soooooo, Green, the message isn't for you but instead it's for Alan.
❤️: why do I feel like this is going to be worse?
🩵☘️: because it is that's why.
⭕️: the message is gonna get everyone a lil riled up so imma start with one of my own. Come to my house uninvited and I'll send my virabots on y'all's asses. Capiche?
💚: got it
💛: noted
❤️: I'm aloud over whenever rn, does your message include me?
⭕️: excluding the virabots, yes.
❤️: oki
💜: I don't even know where you live so okay
🖤: do that already anyway
🩶✏️: I'd never come over in the first place but understood.
⭕️: good. Now, for Alan: "Hey Alan! Gonna be staying with Dark for about a week, his place is the best for me to gather my thoughts and destress from everything and currently I have been lashing out more often so I'm trying to remove myself from the situations before they happen, don't worry about me, I know Dark can handle having a roommate for a bit. I asked him prior to recent events and was given the green light. So don't worry about me!"
🖤: bro the tone shift in the messages
❤️: :( I hope he's doing alright
💚: that's honestly fair
💜: I guess we have our reasoning as to why Second is with Dark rn
🩶✏️: the amount of bullshit in this chat is absurd, why am I even here?
💛: because you're a main character
🩶✏️: what????
💛: what?
🖤: tbf he's also their least favourite
💛: true, does Red have a mute button yet? Because they came up with excuses for TDL and Second
❤️: I have no idea what you're on about but I don't have a mute button cause I don't care enough
⭕️: Chosen, you and Yellow need to see a specialist for whatever shit you're on about.
🖊️: oh yeah, btw, thank Second for informing me on what he's up to, but, Chosen, Yellow, you two know their favourite characters right?
🖤: :O
💛: :O
🖊️: ;)
💚: I'm concerned
🩵☘️: aren't we all
💜: I'm not, you're all weird
💚: nah that's fair
⭕️: god am I tired of you guys

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