Part Two: "Sensus."

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"Let me take a look at you." said Trevor proudly, beaming at the tall and beguilingly beautiful redhead android standing in front of him. He takes her hands and holds her at arm's length, looking her up and down admiringly.

Angel regards him, studying his face, analysing his facial expressions and eye movements, feeling a sense of satisfaction and enjoyment when she observes his pupils dilate, his breaths quickening slightly with his pulse. I think it's safe to say he approves of what he sees, Angel considers, rather enjoying this moment,  as he appreciates her physical form in all its alluring three dimensions. "Would you like the rear view?" Angel asks enthusiastically, a gently cheeky smile playing on her lips.

"You already gave me that earlier, almost along with a coronary, but go ahead." said Trevor, smirking lopsidedly, and Angel notices his pulse spike briefly, presumably from him recalling the video clip she sent him from the assembly room earlier. She turns on the balls of her feet and presents him with her pleasingly shapely derrière, smirking at him as she gives it an enticing little wiggle, the corner of her lips creasing a little more when he gives a soft gasp of delight, observing his pulse race further still in his biometrics when she turns her face to him, giggling a little when she sees him try and utterly fail to stifle an appreciative grin, his eyes smouldering as he drinks in the sight of her. Good god, he mused, she's a wonder! If someone told me she was a human woman, I wouldn't have doubted it. "I'm guessing that little video was your idea.” he says, an eyebrow cocked inquisitively. “I wouldn't have thought Miranda would have been allowed to do that."

Angel shrugged coquettishly, rolling her eyes a little. She found from quite early on in their relationship that she rather enjoyed getting him flustered however she could, and it delighted her that she still had that effect on him. Her synthetic mind started to race with the implications, and indeed the applications she can employ in getting under her human's skin. “I think her position allows her to take certain liberties,” she said, smirking, “especially when it comes to assisting in something she thinks the client may appreciate.” Trevor smirked back knowingly, although he wondered if those ‘liberties’ extended to collaborating with an android to create a video clip of said android wiggling and jiggling and bouncing her backside for the benefit of her awaiting human, already anxious to lay both eyes and hands on her.

“And as we both know, you can be very persuasive.” he said back teasingly. Angel stepped closer, her eyes narrowing slightly, putting her hand up to Trevor's cheek, sensing a subtle change in the temperature of his face under her haptic sensors, detecting microscopic beads of oils and perspiration forming on his skin as he savours her touch on him, his breaths coming short and shallow as his eyes meet hers, his pupils dilating slightly; he always said he was weak for green eyes, and this confirmed it to her.

“She's a woman,” she said smoothly, “and whilst I don't think she's into men, she certainly seems to know how they tick; she didn't require that much persuasion.”

“Such simple creatures are we. . .” Trevor said, a wry smile creasing the corner of his lips in a roguish sort of way that caused Angel's internal temperature regulator to thrum with enjoyment, certain lines creasing his cheek and under his sparkling blue eyes that, for reasons she still couldn't quite comprehend, she deeply enjoys seeing on him. For whatever reason, it simply pleased her to see those lines in his face.

She shrugged, her eyebrow twitching, not feeling his comment warranted a response. They both knew what he said was on the mark. Oftentimes, a man's need for simplicity in his life can be a laudable trait; men really aren't that complicated, when one gets right down to it, and it's not even, as some would perceive it, that it's all about sex. Men appreciate simplicity and structure. They're also problem solvers by nature, by and large, and take a degree of satisfaction in that they can fix things, return them to their proper state, an acceptable status quo by which those they care about are protected and provided for. It's often about utility, the need to feel useful, and exercising that sense of utility for the approval of their peers and the appreciation of their romantic partners, both prospective and actual, as well as for any potential offspring to look up to and admire, as they themselves learn of the qualities required for the living of a good, moral and productive life. There's a nobility in it, a thing that, as some would have it, can be argued has become lost in some parts of the world.

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