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"Happy First Day of School!" Regina said, placing a plate of pancakes down in front of Sophie. "Eat up and then you need to change into your uniform. You have all your new pieces, right?"

Sophie nodded as she placed some butter on her pancakes. "Is Daddy coming?"

"He and Roland are going to meet us at the school," Regina said, sitting down across from her. "We'll see them there."

"Okay," Sophie replied, feeling a bit disappointed Daddy wouldn't be there to see her come down in her uniform and take the traditional picture by the front door. But she figured he had his own traditions with Roland, no matter how much that still hurt to think about.

They ate their pancakes as they talked about the upcoming school year. Sophie shared her hopes for the year as well as her worries, which was that everything would be harder and she would struggle that year. But Regina assured her that even if she did find it harder, she would make sure she got the help she needed. "And I'm sure your father will do the same," Regina added.

"Thanks, Mom," Sophie said, feeling a bit better. She picked up her empty place and placed it in the sink. "I'm going to get changed."

"Okay," Regina replied. "You have about a half hour before we need to leave."

Sophie nodded, heading up to her room. Her uniform was already hanging on the doorhandle of her closet and she picked it up. It was the summer uniform, which meant she wore a white polo shirt with the Storybrooke Academy emblem over her heart paired with a solid navy blue skirt. Sophie pulled on some white socks before slipping her feet into her new blue shoes. After lacing them up, she went to her vanity and brushed her hair before heading back downstairs so her mother could braid it for her.

As she came down the stairs, she heard a familiar voice greet her. "You look beautiful in your uniform, Soph."

"Daddy?" Sophie asked, stopping where she was as she stared down into her father's blue eyes. They shone as he smiled at her, nodding. She nearly jumped into his arms, hugging him tightly. "Mom said you were going to meet us at the school!"

"That was the original plan," he said, hugging her just as tightly. "But your brother wanted to see you before we got to school. And honestly, so did I. So we decided to come and surprise you."

"It's definitely a pleasant surprise," Regina said. Sophie turned her face and saw her mother hugging Roland against her side as he smiled widely.

Roland wore the navy shorts students could wear as part of the summer uniform paired with the same polo shirt that Sophie wore. He looked her over before grinning. "We're dressed alike, Sophie!"

"Yes, we are," she said. "Everyone will be dressed like us. That's why it's called a uniform."

"Cool," he said, clearly impressed.

Regina released Roland and stepped forward. "Do you want me to braid your hair?" she asked Sophie.

"Yes, please," Sophie said, handing over her brush and bow. "Thank you."

She stood still as her mother brushed her hair. Robin sat on the stairs next to her, smiling up at her. "Excited for the new school year?"

"I am," she said. "But nervous. Fifth grade is going to be harder than fourth grade."

"That's usually how it goes," he agreed. "But you have your teachers, your mum and me to help you. So I think you're going to have no problem with fifth grade."

Mom leaned closer. "Just like I said."

Sophie beamed, feeling reassured. "Thanks, Mom. And thank you, Daddy."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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