Festival Fun

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"Who's ready for some Summer Festival fun?" Emma barged into Regina's house, Henry in tow.

Regina sighed. She loved Emma dearly but her friend had no respect for personal space. Glaring at her, she crossed her arms. "How many times do I have to ask you to knock?"

"I'm surprised you haven't just given up," Emma said, plopping down on the couch. "Mal has."

"Doesn't mean I have to."

Sophie bounced into the room, wearing a bright pink t-shirt over her jean shorts so she could be spotted in the crowd. "Hi, Henry! Hi, Aunt Emma!"

"Hey, Sophie. How are you feeling?" Emma asked.

"Okay. It's not broken but I do have to wear this for a week or two." Sophie held up her black bandage.

Henry rubbed her back. "At least it's not a cast."

"And I'm sure you can still go on all the spinny rides until you puke," Emma added.

Regina glared at her daughter's godmother. "Then you get to sit next to her so it ends up on you. I'll take Henry."

"Cool," he replied, grinning as his mother called him a traitor.

Picking up her wristlet, Regina turned to her small party. "Okay. I told Robin and Roland we'd meet them in a few minutes, so let's head down to the boardwalk."

"Robin and Roland, huh?" Emma raised an eyebrow as she stood. "You've been spending a lot of time with them."

"They're also Sophie's family. And they don't know many people in this town aside from us."

Emma shrugged. "Whatever you say. I hope the sailing is smooth on the SS Denial."

"Come on, Sophie, Henry. We're going," Regina said, ignoring her friend. 'The children cheered, rushing ahead of her to get out of the house.

"Regina, wait." Emma grabbed her arm gently. "Look, you know I'm only having fun, right?"

Regina sighed. "I know. But I don't want to get Sophie's hopes up. With all that happened between me and Robin...I don't want her to think her parents could reunite. That'll only disappoint her."

"Do you want to get back together with Robin?"

"I do," she admitted softly. "I just don't know if we can. We've lived a decade of our lives apart, he moved on and had a family...Just because it didn't work out for him doesn't mean that he wants to get back together with me. I wouldn't blame him if he didn't."

"Maybe he does. Maybe you two need to have a conversation about it. But I'll lay off the jokes," Emma promised. "Now come on before the kids realize we're not following."


Regina and Sophie didn't live far from where the Summer Carnival set up, so they all walked to the boardwalk. Sophie and Henry led the way as their mothers lagged behind. He glanced over his shoulder. "What do you think they're talking about?"

"Probably my father."

"How are you two getting on?" Henry asked.

Sophie beamed. "So far, so good. And Roland is really excited about me being his sister. I have a brother, Henry. How cool is that?"

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