Belles of the Ball

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Despite the late night, Robin still woke around nine the following morning. He sat up, stretching as the sun illuminated the picture frame he had finally set up next to his bed. It was one of his favorite pictures of him and Regina, the two wrapped up in his blanket as a fire crackled in front of him. He had kept it by his bedside for years, even when he thought Regina had moved on. When he met Marian, he finally put it away. After she left, he pulled it out as a reminder that once upon a time, he had been happy and someone had loved him.

Someone who might still love him.

He put that thought out of his mind as he went to check on Roland. All he could see was the top of his dark curls, so the boy still sound asleep. Robin closed the door and moved onto the next room, opening it to see Sophie was asleep as well. She clutched the stuffed pony he had given her, her black wrist brace standing out against its crème coloring. Her dark eyelashes fluttered as she sighed in her sleep, looking so much like her mother it caused a physical ache in his chest.

Robin closed her door and composed himself. He had his daughter and Regina's friendship at least. That was enough.

It had to be.

He went down to the kitchen, debating what to make for breakfast. As he went through his options, Robin realized that he didn't know what Sophie preferred. Did she like pancakes? Or did she prefer waffles? Was she a fan of sugary cereals? Knowing Regina, he doubted that one. How did she take her eggs? Did she even like eggs?

Perhaps he should call Regina. She probably was still a morning person, so he wouldn't be waking her.

Robin shook his head. He could just ask Sophie when she woke up. Talking to her was the only way he would get to know her better after all.

"Daddy? Is something wrong?" She entered the kitchen, yawning as her dark hair stuck out in several different directions.

He straightened up and smiled as he pulled her in for a hug. "Nothing. I was just wondering what we should have for breakfast. Do you like pancakes?"

"Of course!" Her eyes lit up and she beamed at him. "With chocolate chips?"

"Oh...Uh, I don't have any. Is that okay?" he asked, hesitant.

The light faded from her eyes and her smile drooped a bit but she nodded. "Regular pancakes are fine."

Robin felt like he had already disappointed her but he kept his smile up. "Good. How about some orange juice?"

She nodded and he motioned for her to take a seat at the table. He poured her a glass of orange juice and set it in front of her. Crouching next to her, Robin smiled. "How did you sleep, sweetheart?"

"Good," she said. "I dreamed we were still at the carnival and we did all the rides. But the haunted mansion. Too creepy."

"Definitely too creepy," he agreed, pulling out the ingredients for pancakes. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her rest her chin on her arms. "Everything okay, Soph?"

She shrugged. "I guess I miss Mom."

That was understandable. He and Roland had their routine so no doubt Regina had hers with Sophie. So they were going to have to find their new routine.

"Do you want to help me make the pancakes?" he asked, pulling out the box of pancake mix.

Sophie perked up. "I'd love to!"

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