A Brief Stumble

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Regina looked up as Ruby entered the room, smiling. "I think I've found some great ideas for your vacation with Sophie this summer. Or should I be planning for four?"

"Just two," Regina confirmed. "Robin only just walked back into my life. I don't think we're ready for a vacation together just yet."

"If you say so," Ruby replied, placing some pamphlets down on Regina's desk. She placed her hands behind her back. "Anything else?"

Picking up the pamphlets, Regina shook her head. "Thank you for doing this, Ruby. I'll let you know which one Sophie and I pick."

Ruby nodded before leaving Regina alone. Sighing, the mayor leaned back in her chair as she went through the pamphlets to find the perfect vacation for her and her little girl this year.

She glanced over at the pictures on her desk, showing Sophie growing up over the years. But the biggest picture now was the one from the Summer Festival Ball. It was one Ruby had taken, sometime after Regina and Robin kissed. The two of them had their arms wrapped around each other as well as Sophie, who stood in front of them. All three beamed at the camera.

Regina reached over and picked it up, running her fingers over Robin's smiling face. Even though it had only been a few weeks since he had walked back into her life, she almost felt like he hadn't left. They just clicked once again and he had integrated himself into Sophie's life well. She had obviously done the same with Roland since the little boy was already attached to her. They were a family but she had to admit she wasn't ready to vacation like one, but only because she wanted one more trip that was just her and her little girl before they did become a family of four for good.

Her phone buzzed and she set the picture down, picking it up. "Ruby? Is something wrong?"

"There's a Keith Nott for you," her assistant said.

Regina sat up straighter, already going on guard. "Tell him we have no business and he can kindly leave."

"Will do," Ruby replied before hanging up the phone. Regina, though, didn't relax and decided to wait five minutes. She would then call her assistant back to make sure Keith left.

She didn't have to wait five minutes. Her door flew open only two minutes later and Keith strode in, a scowling Ruby on his heels. "You can't just barge into the mayor's office!" she exclaimed.

"Ruby, call security please," Regina said, keeping her eyes on Keith's. "Also call Sheriff Swan and Deputy Nolan. Just in case."

Ruby nodded, her heels clicking on the marble floor of the mayor's office as she hurried back to her desk. She kept the door open, no doubt ready to step in if Regina needed help.

"Keith, what are you doing here?" Regina asked. "What is so important that you had to break down my door to see me?"

"Locksley," he said and she rolled her eyes. He scowled as he continued: "You're really making that mistake again?"

She sat down, crossing her arms. "Robin has never been a mistake and it's none of your business. I turned you down."

"Yes, you did. And look where that got you. You're a single mother." The way he spat out that last sentence made her blood boil.

Regina leaned forward, glancing at the picture. "My life is not yours to judge. I don't appreciate you coming in here and doing that. What goes on between me and Robin is our business, not yours. And our daughter sure as hell isn't your business either."

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