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Bakugo POV

After four eyes and Icy hots fight it was time for weird hair and dunce face to go. Their fight went on for a while, it's like they do this a lot. I kinda noticed the same tension between them that I feel when I'm around Deku. Are they together? Not that I want to be together with that damn nerd, I wouldn't mind taking that ass for a spin though. Jesus fuck Katsuki shut up!

I'll ask hair for brains about it after class. I don't really pay attention to the other fights and then I hear mine and Deku's names being called by Mr Aizawa and I realize it's our time to fight eachother.

Deku and I step up onto the fighting mats and assume our stances.

"Now remember, you lose if you get pushed off the mats, surrender or get knocked out, you also lose if you use your quirks. You may begin." Mr. Aizawa steps back and Deku and I begin to walk in slow circles around eachother.

I quickly charge at him with a powerful right hook. "DIE!!!!"

He dodges and grabs my arm pulling me forward and pushing me face first into the ground. "Always with that right hook eh Kacchan?"

"You know it really pisses me off how much you stalk me nerd!" I quickly flip over and push my feet into Deku's stomach sending him stumbling backwards before he has time to think I'm on my feet.

I land a punch to his left shoulder and aim another one at his face, which he blocks. He aims a right hook to my side which I swiftly dodge. I throw up a kick at his exposed left side. He manages to grab my foot and pull me in close to him so our thighs are touching. I could feel myself stating to get excited. I have to get out of this position. I bring my left elbow down connecting with his shoulder and he releases my leg so fast I fall back on my ass.

Deku wastes no time climbing on top of me but I'm not gonna let him win this. I lock my leg behind his and quickly buck my hips up so we're flipped over, and I'm on top of him. I move to a straddling position and begin throwing punches at his face which he covers with his arms. I can feel him trying to buck me off of him but he's so small and weak. With one last thrust I can feel something different beneath me. Oh my god, does he have a boner.

"Oi Deku what the fuck?!!" I can see his face flush that sweet shade of red that I love so much and his eyes go wide with panick. I aim my open palm at him ready to blast him in the face when I feel my power disappear and I'm suddenly wrapped in Mr. Aizawas scarf and pulled off of Deku.

"Midoryia wins as a result of Bakugo breaking the rules and using his quirk."


I'm pulled out of the gymnasium into the hallway. I continue to yell profanities towards Deku until he's no longer in site.

"You can stay out here until you calm down Mr. Bakugo, join us when you're ready again."

"Mr. Aizawa he-!!"

"I don't care." Our homeroom teacher makes his way back into the gymnasium to continue with the combat training.

I stomp around the hall throwing ounches at lockers and kicking my feet at the air until I've calmed down enough to rejoin the class. I see Deku sitting on the bleachers with pink cheeks and theat damn half and half bastard. I want to go over and beat him up but I can see Mr. Aizawa keeping a close eye on me so I walk over to Kirishima instead.

"Are you and dunce face a thing?" I ask bluntly.

"We're just friends with benefits." I cock my head at him.

"You're what now?"

"You know, friends with benefits. We get to have all the benefits of being eachothers boyfriends without the actual commitment." Shitty hair explains.

I roll my eyes. "In other words you're just fucking."

"It's a bit more than that in our case but yeah that's essentially it. Why do you care so much? Is this about the tension between you and Midoriya?"

I yell in his face. "OI NO ONE ASKED YOU EXTRA!!!"

"I mean, you kind of did Bakugo." Kaminari says butting into the conversation.

"Shut up sparky! Who asked you to get involved?!"

"Well you are kind of asking about my personal life." I suppose he's right. "So is he right, is this about Midoryia?"

"Will you two shut up! It's none of your damn business who it's about!!" They share a knowing glance and nod at eachother.

Kirishima puts his hands up and shrugs in defense. "Alright man, whatever you say."

Before I know it class is over and it's time to head to the changerooms again. I need to shower badly but when I get there all of them are occupied. I wait outside of one impatiently tapping my foot and crossing my arms. I hear the water turn off and see Deku step out towel around his face, his green mop of hair dripping water down his chest and stomach. I can't help but stare.

"Uh, K-kachan, c-can I get passed?" He can't look me in the eyes.

"Whatever nerd." I step to the side slightly and let him walk past staring at his rippling back muscles as he goes past. The urge to smack his ass takes over me and he jumps looking back at me.

He opens his mouth to say something but no words come out. "Tch, lame." I scoff and begin to strip walking into the showers.

Friends with benefits huh? Maybe I'll give it a shot.

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