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Bakugo POV

Oh my god I can't believe that just happened. He was really good at that. I know he's being honest when he said it was his first time though because he thinks to much. I can see the wheels spinning in his head so when he asks if he was good and my immediate urge is to respond by yelling I collect myself and instead tell him the truth, that he was fantastic. Sex is something really important to a lot of people and I want all of his experiences to be safe and enjoyable.

I notice he's breathing had evened out. He must have fallen asleep, that was quick. I can't help but play with his hair. It's so soft. I wrap my arms around his waste and give his for head a kiss before falling asleep myself.

I wake up I don't know how much later and Deku is still snuggled up into me. What the fuck am I doing? I lightly shake him awake. He sits his head up yawning and rubbing his eyes. "Oh, s-sorry Kacchan I didn't mean to fall asleep. I'll head back to my room now."

"No it's okay, I fell asleep too. Did you maybe wanna stay for a bit longer and fool around a but more?" He blushes and I smirk.

"Yeah I'd like that."

We spend the next hour taking turns jerking eachother off but I want to feel my dick in his mouth again. "Deku can you blow me again?" He gets so excited he doesn't take more than two seconds before his lips are wrapped around my cock. "Fuck!" 

I wrap tangle my hands in his hair tightly and thrust up into his mouth several times. I was worried he might not like it but his moans and grip on my thighs tells me otherwise. He's nails are dug into me so tight he might actually leave a few marks.

I continue to thrust into his warm soft mouth until I cum. Deku locks eyes with me swallowing everything. Then he looks away in embarrassment. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"I, uh..." He trails off looking down at his boxers which now have a fresh stain on them.

"Shit, did you cum?" He nods. "Could you actually get any sexier?"

"I don't know how to answer that."

"You're so cute." He looks at me slightly shocked. "Fuck I mean hot." Stupid fucking idiot Katsuki don't say shit like that to him.

Deku looks over at the clock on my nightstand. "Shit, it's 1am, I should probably go." He picks up his shorts and states at them in his hand.

"Did you want to borrow a pair of my boxers?" I don't wait for him to respond before grabbing a pair from my drawer.

"Th-thank you, Kacchan." He slips his boxers off and I realize this is the first time I'm seeing him fully naked.

"Are you sure you have to go? Maybe we could keep going?" I say it as more of a question than a suggestion.

"I mean, it is kind of late and we do have class tomorrow."

I walk close to him putting my hands on his waist and pulling him into me kissing him. "Tomorrow's Saturday, we don't have to do anything."

"Kacchan I wanna have sex with you."

My eyes go wide, "I'm sorry did you just say-"

"Yes, I know I wasn't very sure before but I feel comfortable around you and I can't imagine having anyone else be my first."

"Don't go getting all romantic and shit on me."

"N-no, I don't mean it that way. I just mean since you're my oldest friend and I'm already comfortable around you, it's just easy."

"Relax, I'm just kidding." Of course I want his first time to be romantic for him, it's Deku, he basically screams romance. "I think we should wait though, make it nice fore you. The first time isn't gonna be very comfortable and we should make it as nice as possible. It'll help take some of the edge off."

He blushes furiously. "You don't have to do that for me."

"No, I want to though. You should just stay over anyways. We can watch some movies or something. Come on." I drag him back to my bed and we lay down under the covers together. I put a random movie on my phone with him snuggled against my chest. We fall asleep pretty quick.

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