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Bakugo POV

Oh my god I'm kissing Deku! Is this a bad idea? He's not pushing me away but he's not kissing back what do I do? I pull away from him to see a look of utter shock and confusion on his face.

"K-kacchan I-I..." Shit, I fucked up, maybe it was just adrenaline earlier but I could have sworn there was something more there. Oh well, just gonna have to find someone else in this school to sleep with me. I'm kind of sick of one night stands though so a consistent hook up would have been nice.

"I'll just go." I say standing up and heading to the door.

I feel a small hand wrap around my wrist, "Kachhan wait!" I turn around to face him. He puts his hands on my cheeks and stands on his toes to kiss me. I quickly wrap my arms around his waist, leaning down to make it easier for him. Our tongues twist together in a heated make out and I slowly begin pushing him towards his  bed. His knees hit the side and he falls on his back. I quickly climb on top of him straddling his waste while I slip my shirt off of my head. I toed it to the floor tugging on the bottom of his until he sits up long enough for me to discard that beside mine. I lean back down passing his moth this time and heading straight for his neck I lick and nip and suck until I find his sweet spot.

Deku let's out a breathy moan causeing me to smirk into his neck. I can feel him exploring my skin with his fingers. It sends shivers down my spine. I continue to bite at his neck until I've left several marks on him. Now no one else will touch him.

I shift my position so I'm between his legs and his are wrapped around me. I slowly grind down on him through clothed fabric and he let's out another moan arching his back. "God Deku do you have to make such leud noises?"

He blushes embarrassed "S-sorry Kacchan." He looks at me with his wide innocent eyes.

"I want you Deku, now." I let out a deep throaty growl grabbing at the waistband of his shorts.

"K-kacchan wait." He pushes me off of him. I sit back confused and slightly offended. I thought he was enjoying himself. Did I do something wrong? Did I push it too far? "Look Kachhan, I want to be completely honest with you. I have wanted you this way fir such a long time now but I don't think I'm actually ready to go all the way yet. I-I'm actually a virgin and as hot as this all was just now I'm still kind of confused by everything. I thought you hated me."

"I do hate you nerd." He frowns. Shit that came out wrong. "What I mean is I'm not like in love with you or anything but something about you drives me crazy and I just crave you so bad." His eyes widen again and he blushes wildly a smile creeping on his face. "Look, I wanna be friends with benefits." I state outright.

"Does that mean you think we're friends Kacchan?" He smiles.

"Oh shut up damn nerd. What do yiu think? Look, I know you said you're a virgin, that's fine I won't push you to do anything you don't want to do. We can stick to heated makeouts for now if that's what you're comfortable with. I just need to feel you're skin and lips on mine." Oh my god could that have sounded any more fucking cheesy.

He looks confused still. "Why don't you think about it. Text me when you decide." And with that I grab my shirt and throw it on quickly before leaving my room. 

I make my way to my dorm down the hall and get to studying for the night. Around 2am I get a text.

Shitty Deku: Okay I'm in

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