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Midoryia POV

"So Midoryia, what's going on with you and Bakugo?" Asui asks.

I blush a bit, I feel like the entire class is going to know soon but Kacchan doesn't seem to care so what's the point in keeping it a secret. "We're hooking up, as of last night."

She turns her head to look at Ururaka who just nods. "Well I think it's about time that you two finally got together."

"No, we're not together, it's just friends with benefits. No feelings are involved."

"Does Todoroki know about this?"

I frown. Of course he knows but now he hates me. "Yes, I told him this morning."

I start shoveling my food down a little faster. The excitement of seeing Kacchan won't settle.

"Deku slow down you're gonna throw up." Ururaka says.

"Sorry guys I just wanna go see Kacchan." They share another look. "What? It's not like that I've explained this."

"We know." They say simultaneously. I don't know what it's gonna take for people to realize I don't have feelings for Kacchan. I finish eating and start to clean my space up.

"Do you guys mind if I head out now?"

"No not at all, we'll see you tomorrow Deku!" Ururaka gives me a smile and a wave.

I head up to Kacchans room and stop nervously staring. He's so hot it's intimidating. I still can't believe he wants to hook up with me. I slowly bring my hand up and knock. He opens the door shirtless, just there in his shorts and boxers that I can see slightly peaking out of the top of his shorts.

"Bout time you showed up." He says grabbing my sweater and pulling me into his room closing the door. I'm about to take in the decorations he has all around but his mouth is on mine so fast I don't see a thing. He pulls back for just enough time to take my sweater and shirt off. He moves in close to me again putting his hands under my ass and picking me up pinning me between him and his door. I moan a little bit at the friction between us. "You like when I throw you around like that huh Deku?" I furiously nod my head about to respond when he attaches his teeth to my neck again no doubt creating more marks. I can feel him trailing them higher up though and I know it's because he wants to be able to see them no matter what I'm wearing. Or he wants others to.

While he's biting at me he decides to walk over to his bed. He places me down and positions himself between my legs. He slowly grinds his hips down into mine and I let out a whimper. I want to kiss him again. I bring my hands up to his neck pulling his mouth down to mine.

We continue like this for a while and then I feel his hand trailing down to my shorts, his fingertips sliding underneath the waistband. He pulls away from my mouth. "Deku can I touch you?" I know what he means and I'm a little nervous. I'm the only one who's ever pleasure myself before. I think I took to long to respond because Kacchan speaks again, "nevermind, let's just keep making out for now."

He goes to lean back in but I put my hand on his chest. "No Kacchan please touch me, I want you too please." I practically beg him and I can see his eyes fill with lust. He kisses me again slipping his tongue into my mouth which I gladly welcome. Suddenly I feel his hand slip fully into my boxers and wrap around me causing me to gasp.

He tightens his grip ever so slightly and begins moving his hand up and down his thumb occasionally grazing over my tip sending shivers through my entire body. I moan several times which are muffled by his mouth until he decides to stop kissing me and instead lean down to whisper in my ear. "Does that feel good Deku?"

I nod furiously, "yes Kacchan that feels amazing please don't stop." He nips and licks and sucks at my neck. I never imagined that someone else's touch could feel like this. My whole body feels like it's on fire but in a good way. I don't know how to explain it.

It doesn't take long before I can feel myself coming close to finishing. Fuck I don't want this to end, it always takes so much longer when I do it myself. "K-kachan I'm so close." Hearing those words must have set off something animalistic in him because he reconnects our lips and kisses me so hard I think my mouth is gonna be swollen.

He pulls away again and I whimper. "Cum for me Deku." He says in a low growl staring deep into my eyes. His star is so intense and paired with his words I can't last any longer. I realease into his hand my whole body shaking.

He smirks and takes his hand out of my pants and bringing it to his mouth picking his palm. I never would have expected an action like that from Kacchan and suddenly I can't control my next actions. I position my one leg between his and hook my foot behind it, smoothly flipping us over so that I'm on top now. Kacchan is in such shock by my actions he doesn't even know what to say.

"My turn," I say with a smirk pulling down his pants and his boxers. His dick springs up onto his stomach and suddenly I think I'm in over my head. Holy fuck, he has to be like 9 inches. I stare at it wide eyed for a moment.

"Deku, it's just a dick, you have one too."

"Yeah but yours is just so..." I trailing off mouth watering.

"Do you want to suck it?"

"C-can I?"

Kacchan smirks, "you don't sound very sure about that Deku. Do you really want to?"

"Yes, please Kacchan I want to can I please." He leans back crossing is arms above his head.

He nods, "go ahead."

I take his dick in my hand and bring my mouth close to it. I give it a few experimental licks varying in length and place to see how Kacchan with react. I've never done this before with anyone so I don't really know how to or what he likes. I should have asked him but I've already started and don't want to stop. He seems to like when my tongue runs along the thick vein on the underside and when it touches his tip so I'll go from there. I open my mouth and slowly take him in. I start with just the tip for a minute or so and then begin inching my way down. I flatten out my tongue so it's constantly hitting that vein.

He's letting out low pants and I can feel myself start to get hard again. I take him as far in my mouth as I can and I feel hom hit the back of my throat. As soon as I do he tangles his hands in my hair and let's out a long moan. "Fuck Deku so hot!" Good, he's enjoying this. I keep going at the same pace but I must have hit a sweet spot cause he bucks his hips up with a deep growl causeing me to gasp. Tears fill in my eyes but I don't stop. "I'm gonna cum." He tugs my hair a little bit indicating for me to come up if I want so he doesn't cum in my mouth. I keep going though and I suddenly feel hot sticky liquid at the back of my throat. I pull away swallowing it all. "You didn't have to," he says.

I blush a little bit, "I wanted to taste all of you."

"Fuck don't say shit like that, you're gonna get me hard again." I glance down at my shorts and he notices. "Shit, did sucking me off turn you on again?" I nod my head and look down at my fingers slightly embarrassed. "Hey," He pulls me up so that I'm now laying on his chest face to face his fingers under my chin. "Don't be embarrassed, that's hot." I blush more.

"Was I okay?" I ask him. "It's just that I've never done this before and I wanna make you feel good."

He smirks, "you were fantastic Deku."

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