Chapter 2

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It's not real.

I've been telling myself that since I've fallen asleep. I thought I'd been dreaming of weird colourful shit or of Granny Cassandra, but instead it was of her.

And who Her is, I don't have a fucking clue.

I just see glimpses of bright stormy green eyes that radiated pain and wisdom and anger, dark black hair that falls down her back in waves, and I hear a muffled voice that I can't ever seem to focus on. She'd make my heart race in the dream and make me all flustered, then I'd wake up into miserable reality. And like most nights, the weird dream just fades to the back of my mind.

Especially now, I've got something more important to do and worry about than some weird-ass dream.

It's been two days since Granny Cassandra's funeral and Noah, Sarah and I are picking up
the rest of our stuff from home.

Her house.

It's an old Victorian cottage, which Granny loved
a lot as it was passed down onto her by her mother. She used to say that one day she would
pass it down to the three of us but with us being kids, lawyers didn't think it was a good idea
that we have the house, so now we're going to live with a man that doesn't want us. He's
probably only taking us in out of guilt or some stupid sense of obligation.

I know I should be grateful because it was either him or being dumped in foster care and
getting separated from Noah and Sarah, but I can't. He abandoned us. Left us, so he could
have another kid with a different woman.

Weren't we enough? Did we matter at all to him?

As I push open the door to Granny's room, my breath catches in my throat.

It's all gone.

Everything that was hers is gone. All framed photos on the walls of her and us that were there are gone. It's bare.

Empty. Gone.

The weird, vintage furniture that she loved so much is gone as well. All packed in storage.
It's all gone and it's like stepping into a different house entirely. When she died, our home
died with her. Now all that's left is the ghosts of our memories and they're too far to touch
and reach.

My knees buckle under me, and I wrap my arms around my legs as tears stream out of my
eyes. Why did this happen? Why? This shouldn't have happened. She shouldn't have died.

This...what...this isn't fair.

What am I going to do?

"Jane?" Sarah says, calling for me somewhere down the corridor.

Shit! She can't see me like this.

Thudding footsteps approach Granny's room, making me jump to my feet in alarm. Curling
my hands into tight fists, I wipe my eyes until there's no sign of tears whatsoever. The door
squeaks open and Sarah enters the room, eyes narrowing at me when they land on me.

"Are you alright?" Sarah asks with a frown.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I say, giving her one of my bored smiles. "You guys ready, got everything you need?"

"Jane..." Sarah says, sighing. She stares at me for a few minutes and when I refuse to react,
she heaves out another sigh. "Noah's waiting for us downstairs. Are you finished?"

"Yeah, don't want to make that cow bag wait any longer," I say stiffly, rolling my eyes.

The cow bag aka Bella Blue is – no – was our neighbour. She's taking us to the airport after we
grab everything, we need from hom...the house. I know most say what she's doing is kind but that's far from the truth. She never does anything willingly, not unless it benefits her in some way. And I bet getting rid of three annoying brats that no longer runs around amok the neighbourhood would make her life a whole lot easier.

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