Chapter 3

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Waiting by the long, winding staircase a few feet ahead of us is a boy with dark dirty blonde
hair, gelled back. He has hazelnut brown eyes - just like Noah and me, and they're glaring
coldly at us. His crooked nose, that looks as if he's been punched in the face, is pointed up in
the air and his dark eyebrows are trimmed back. He's hardly got any eyebrow left. And tucked into his black jeans is a smart grey shirt.

He looks like a mini version of Isaac. This is
definitely our half-brother, John. No doubt about that. Considering he's twelve years old, he
looks much older than that.

"John," Isaac greets with a tight nod. "These are your siblings. Go and play nicely. I have
some papers to sort out in the study."

He nods at Noah, Sarah, and me before swiftly making his way up the stairs. A few minutes
later, a door slamming echoes throughout the house. That's going to make sneaking around
the place a lot harder, especially with how sound echoes here.

John turns to us with narrowed eyes and an ugly sneer on his face. Every muscle in me
tenses at the sight, preparing to defend myself if I have to from the spoilt brat.

"Stay out of my way and keep away from my father," John says harshly. "No one wants you
here, you can't just walk into my life like this and expect us to play 'happy' families."

"He's our father too," Noah says, frowning at John's attitude. Poor kid looks so confused.

John snarls dangerously and takes a threatening step forward, hands shaking. Shoving Noah
behind me, I throw my hands on my hips and take a step forward. "Touch him and you'll
regret it, you little..."

"Jane!" Sarah interrupts, red in the face as she jumps in between us. Her hands are held out
cautiously as she looks between John and me. "How about we all calm down?"

"Go home then and then I'll calm down!" John huffs as he glares at me. He rolls his eyes at
Sarah before storming up the stairs Isaac went up. A loud slam echoes throughout the house again, followed by an angry yell from our uptight father.

I gotta say, I see where John gets it from.

"Well, he's a bundle of joy," I say sarcastically, chewing my lips.

"I thought he was rude," Noah says, frowning at me.

"He was," Sarah says with a sigh. "Don't worry about him Noah. He's just a little intimidated
by us. Let's go and find our rooms and unpack."

I grin and playfully shove Sarah. "I get the biggest room!"

After taking off, I run up the stairs and across the corridor, shoes skidding across the shiny
floor. Sarah's behind me, her footsteps thudding against the floorboards and echoing
around us, laughing loudly.

"I don't think so. I need the space for my clothes and make-up!" Sarah shouts.

We pass many old and ugly paintings that's hanging proudly on the walls. Every now and
then, we dodge a few Greek-looking ornaments that are butt-naked. I really don't want to
know how much this crap costed.

As we turn right down into another corridor, we come across three rooms. The furthest down at the end is the biggest room with a king-sized bed
and a balcony that overlooks part of the garden and a stream that leads into the forest.

The two rooms beside it isn't as big but they're still kind of awesome, with big beds, large
windows overlooking the forest and lots of space.

And I know for a fact that Noah's going to
love them. He's got hundreds of posters of Marvel superheroes, and now with a bigger
room, he has more space to put them up.

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